Prof Dr.-Ing. Peter Gust
Vice-Rector for Third Mission and International Affairs

Phone: +49 202 439 / 22 22
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Christina Semke
Head of Research & Knowledge Transfer Office
Industry Contacts, Patents, Third Mission

Room: B.07.09
Phone: +49 202 / 439 -28 57
Fax: +49 202 / 439 - 32 05
Email: semke[at]

Iris Rudolph
Administration & Scientists’ & Researchers’ Database

Room: B.07.08
Phone: +49 202 / 439 - 3040
Fax: +49 202 / 439 - 3205
Email: rudolph[at]

Uwe Blass M.A.
Communication & Events
Room: B.07.06
Phone: / 439 - 2346
Fax: +49 202 / 439 - 3205
Email: blass[at]


Nina Hornig
Transfer Evaluation

Room: B.06.06
Phone: +49 202 / 439 - 3055
Fax: +49 202 / 439 - 32 05
Email: nhornig{at}


Dr. Anja Kluge
Career Service

Room: B.07.13
Phone: +49 202 / 439 - 3076
Email: akluge[at]


Daniel Vazquez Capilla
Patents & start-ups
Room: B.06.06
Phone: +49 202 / 439 - 3044
Fax: +49 202 / 439 - 32 05
Email: vazquez[at]


Leandra Carlotta Apolte
Project: bergisch-kompetenz
Building: W.12.037
Phone: 0202 / 439 - 20 36
Email: leandra.apolte[at]


Salvatore Massimo Giusti

E-mail: salvatore.giusti-hk[at]

Luca Leon Scott

E-mail: luca.scott-hk[at]