Innovating teaching

Quality projects & measures in teaching

The University of Wuppertal responds to social developments and challenges with innovations in teaching. Lecturers receive support in formulating their ideas in the form of proposals and in acquiring internal or external programme funding for their implementation. Strategic, structural and technical developments that have already been initiated or implemented in teaching at the University of Wuppertal are taken into account. This promotes organisational learning and the exploitation of synergies.

Internally funded quality projects & measures

The rectorate has set up an internal fund to enable innovations in teaching. This BUW Teaching Innovation Fund (LEHRIS) provides regular financial opportunities in three funding lines to develop and test ideas for teaching and evaluate their effectiveness.

Teaching Innovation Fund

Furthermore, the Rectorate, together with the faculties, permanently finances quality measures in the introductory phase of studies (QSP), which have proven to be effective in previous projects and primarily serve to identify and refresh school knowledge relevant to academic success.

Quality measures in the introductory phase of studies (QSP)

Externally funded quality projects

The development of innovative teaching at the University of Wuppertal is also supported by the acquisition of external funding. The following funding programmes for teaching innovations can be addressed annually:

StIL open space calls for proposals

NRW State Teaching Prize

Calls for proposals that do not take place regularly can also be addressed. Please contact the staff in Administrative Department 6.3 for this.


The following quality projects are currently externally funded and centrally supported due to the strategic importance of the issues addressed for the entire university:


