Postdoctoral funding

There are also numerous funding programmes and scholarships in the field of postdoctoral funding for young academics who have already obtained a doctorate. We would like to present you with a selection of the many funding options here.

Support of junior academics through the German Research Foundation

The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports researchers at all stages of their academic career. At the stage following the doctorate degree, the German Research Foundation offers the following funding options.

  • Research Fellowship
  • Module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators in the context of the Individual Research Grant of the German Research Foundation
  • Emmy Noether Programme
  • Further academic qualification as a postdoc in projects of the German Research Foundation, Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups
  • Heisenberg Programme

Support of junior academics by the Volkswagen Foundation

The Volkswagen Foundation promotes science and technology in research and teaching. It enables research projects in promising, future-oriented fields and helps academic institutions improve the structural preconditions for their work.

It focuses in particular on young academics and the cooperation of researchers across boundaries of disciplines and countries. The Volkswagen Foundation offers the following funding opportunities to support young academics.

  • Freigeist fellowships
  • Lichtenberg professorships

Postdoctoral scholarships

To support young academics, various foundations provide additional scholarships and funding for junior academics who have obtained a doctorate. Below you will find a selection of other foundations that offer postdoctoral scholarships.