Listening and drinking tea
Teacher training on listening comprehension in English lessons
Prof Dr Henning Rossa from the University of Trier is a proven expert on the subject. In his keynote speech, he used specific listening examples (from Dutch) to illustrate the complexity of the listening comprehension process. The parallelism of the processes, such as word recognition and the subdivision of the sound stream, leads to the construction of a comprehensive meaning or statement of the text.
In the workshop part of the training it became clear that the construction of text-appropriate tasks is a challenging task in which teachers should not only focus on the comprehension product, which can be easily checked with the help of multiple choice tasks. It is an advantage for English learners if they can listen to individual passages repeatedly and can compare and reflect on their comprehension performance with their fellow learners.
TEFL Tea Time
The aim of this training format introduced by English didactics experts Prof Dr David Gerlach and Dr Ralf Gießler in 2021 is to promote exchange between the university and the regional school landscape through keynote speeches and workshops. The aim is to bring theory, practice and research into dialogue with each other. The interactive training format takes place every six months on various English didactic topics and also with external speakers.
The next TEFL Team Time event on 7 November 2024 will focus on the topic of "Hackathons and education for sustainable development in English lessons".