Good scientific practice

Regulations for safeguarding good scientific practice

The University of Wuppertal enjoys the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of science and also bears the associated responsibility of maintaining society's trust in science. In order to fulfil this responsibility, the University of Wuppertal has adopted a regulations for safeguarding good scientific practice has adopted. As an integral part of research and teaching, this supports our already practised culture of academic integrity and also helps all persons working in or in relation to research and teaching to avoid academic misconduct.


Prof. Dr Bornhorst and AOR PD Dr Thomas Wagner are available to all persons working on behalf of the University of Wuppertal as contact persons for questions of good scientific practice. In accordance with § 4 of our above-mentioned regulations, they provide independent and confidential advice on all matters covered by the regulations. Whistleblowers or affected persons can also contact them directly and confidentially at any time in the event of suspected academic misconduct.

Portrait of Professor Dr Julia Bornhorst

Professor Dr Julia Bornhorst heads the working group for food chemistry with a focus on toxicology.

Portrait of Privatdozent Dr Thomas Wagner

Privatdozent Dr Thomas Wagner is a senior academic advisor in the section for Protestant Theology.

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