- AIAS Wuppertal
- Avicenna-Akademikerbund
- blickfeld - the campus newspaper for Wuppertal
- Enactus Wuppertal
- Film workshop
- GreenLion Racing
- Hochschulgruppe des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V. (university group)
- IACES LC Wuppertal (International Association of Civil Engineering Students)
- International Students Team
- MARKET TEAM e. V. Wuppertal
- Redekunst e.V.
- Science.Vision e.V.
- Studentische Segelvereinigung Wuppertal e.v. (student sailing club)
- Bergisches Uni-Theater (university theatergropu)
- UNICEF group at the University of Wuppertall
- Valleypreneur Consulting e.V.
- VDE group at the University of Wuppertal, Freudenberg campus
- VDI (Association of German Engineers) working group for students and young engineers, Wuppertal
- vfsa-Verein zur Förderung des Studiums im Alter e.V. (association representing senior students)