Repair of electrical appliances
Karsten Schmidtseifer / Mechanical Engineering
Photo: UniService Transfer

Water wheel returns to the cheese hammer
Niklas Alteköster (Mechanical Engineering) was involved in the project
Photo: UniService Transfer

Improving the relationship with the population
Dr Tim Lukas, Jacqueline Oppers /
Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Building with steel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Naujoks / Steel and composite structures
Photo: Michael Kaufmann
To the article

Researching, testing and advising
New role at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katharina Löwe / Process and Plant Engineering
Photo: Mathias Kehren

Safe handling of lithium batteries
Prof. Dr. Roland Goertz / Safety engineering
Photo: UniService Transfer
To the article

Monkeypox in Germany
Dr. Jean Baptist du Prel / Sicherheitstzechnik/Arbeitswissenschaft
Photo: UniService Transfer

Opportunities for engineers
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katharina Löwe / Process and Plant Engineering
Photo: Paul Nick
To the article

The importance of civil society in the event of a disaster
Bo Tackenberg, Dr Tim Lukas /
Civil Protection and Disaster Relief
Photo: Bo Tackenberg

Extreme weather events
Prof Dr Frank Fiedrich / Civil Protection, Disaster Relief and Property Security
Photo: Bo Tackenberg

Areas of fear in Wuppertal
Dr Tim Lukas / Civil protection and disaster relief
Photo: Bo Tackenberg

Computer programmes for the automotive industry
Prof Dr Axel Schumacher / Mechanical Engineering
Photo: UniService Transfer

Managing and directing the traffic of the future
Junior-Prof. Dr. Antoine Tordeux / Managing and directing the traffic of the future
Photo: UniService Transfer

Regional basic research leads to cooperation with the German Aerospace Center
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Dietrich Wolf / Institute for Security Systems
Photo: bildwerkeins - paul walthe

"The safety engineer is not the boring person in the white coat"
Prof Dr Manuel Löwer / Product safety and quality
Photo: UniService Transfer

Civil security in everyday life
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Fiedrich / Security Technology Photo: UniService Transfer

Dilatometer instead of steam engine
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber / Mechanical Engineering Photo: UniService Transfer