Strategy games and their mathematical component
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Klamroth, Dr. Michael Stiglmayr und Konstantin Kraus / Mathematics
Photo: UniService Transfer

Can Artificial Intelligence Change Power Structures?
Prof. Dr. Peter Imbusch / Soziology of Politics
Photo: UniService Transfer

The interplay of culture, ecology and technology in architecture
Prof. Enriqueta Llabres-Valls, holder of the fifth "Dr. Jörg Mittelsten Scheid Visiting Professorship"
Photo: Privat

Deadwood project in the Burgholz State Forest
Prof Dr. Willi Kling / Management of Chemical Processes in Industry and Analytical Chemistry
Photo: Sebastian Jarych

The thinking horse from Elberfeld
Theological Ethics of Catholic Theology
Photo: UniService Transfer

Studium generale
Prof. Dr. Rita Casale / Human and Social Sciences
Foto: UniService Transfer

Photo exhibition FEEL-THE-HOUSE
Prof. Georg Giebeler / Architecture
Photo: Friederike von Heyden

Urban Subcultures
Apl. Prof. Dr. Anne-Rose Meyer / German Studies
Photo: Friederike von Heyden

Family Economy
Prof. Dr. Christian Bredemeier / Applied Economics
Photo: Friederike von Heyden

Boenigk Biology - A textbook with vision
Prof. Dr. Jens Boenigk / Biodiversity und Prof. Dr. Martin Simon / Molecular Cell and Microbiology
Poto: Private/UniService Transfer

The Devil in Religion and Society
Dr. Thomas Wagner / Protestant Theology
Photo: UniService Transfer

The calculation of coincidences / Prof. Dr. Barbara Rüdiger (Stochastics)
Faith and Politics in Israel / Dr. Carsten Schliwski (Protestant Theology)
Pascal's Triangle/ Prof. Dr. Margareta Heilmann / Mathematics
The use of gold and silver in medicine / Prof. Dr. Fabian Mohr (Anorganic Chemistry)
Political Systems / Dr. Volker Mittendorf (Political Science)
The importance of the body in society / Dr. Steffi Grundmann (History)
Do animals have a soul?/ Dr. Heike Baranzke (Theological Ethics of Catholic Theology)
Next generation's ability to judge / Prof. Dr. Rita Casale (Human and Social Sciences)
A teacher must also be a performer / Christa Warnke (Music paedagogic)
Authenticity assurance made in Wuppertal / Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp (Data and Knowledge Technology)
Guitars instead of guns / Dr. Antonius Weixler (German Studies)
When love arrived at the Engels house / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lukas (German Studies)
We build our own software / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Schumacher (Mechanical Engineering)
Comics / Privatdozent Dr. Christian Klein (German Studies)
Languages are subject to social prestige / Prof. Dr. Natascha Müller (Romance Studies)
Unwanted touches in popular sports?/ Prof. Dr. Bettina Rulofs (Sports Sociology)
There is a crack going through the church / Prof. Dr. Michael Böhnke (Systematic Theology)