Prof. Dr Bruno Lang / Applied Computer Science
Photo: UniService Transfer

How abstract things find their way into our daily lives

Professor Dr Bruno Lang and applied computer science - algorithmics in the school of mathematics and natural sciences

When Professor Dr Bruno Lang came to Wuppertal in 2002 with the field of Applied Computer Science - Algorithmics, many things were still in their infancy. The native Swabian was therefore able to contribute to the development of the IT (Information Technology) degree programme from the very beginning. The scientist works at the school of mathematics and natural sciences in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. His work in algorithmics is of particular importance. Professor Lang knows that people often complain that everything today is controlled by algorithms. "But," he laughs, "if you define the term algorithm correctly, it's actually always been like that. ..."

To explain: an algorithm is a clear set of instructions for solving a problem or a class of problems. Algorithms consist of a finite number of well-defined individual steps. They can therefore be implemented in a computer programme for execution, but can also be formulated in human language. When solving a problem, a specific input is converted into a specific output. ***

"Algorithmic thinking actually pervades our lives in many places."

"... It's like a doctor making a diagnosis step by step," says Lang, "if a certain symptom appears, he goes in one direction, if it's not there, he goes in another." Ultimately, it's about formulating rules or decisions in such a way that they can be understood step by step. "Algorithmic thinking actually pervades our lives in many places," he emphasises, citing cooking recipes as a simple example, which represent a very basic algorithm and can even be implemented automatically by modern kitchen appliances. But the process of cashing up at the supermarket or playing a melody when making music also offer similar patterns to a certain extent.

In the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, the scientist naturally works more formally and with a different objective. Here, efficient algorithms are developed for problems from the natural sciences, for example. This speeds up calculations and often also reduces memory requirements.

Different questions naturally also lead to different algorithmic approaches. The approach to sorting large data sets or dealing with large matrices usually differs significantly.

Professor Lang also repeatedly introduces familiar basic types of thought patterns in his algorithm lectures and thus offers students a "toolbox" with which they can try out which solution strategy is best suited to new problems.

The scientist answers the question of whether pupils or students have difficulties with these thought patterns in a relaxed manner. The curricula and the focus of competences at schools - and therefore the prior knowledge - are constantly changing, and the content of the course also has to be kept up to date. So you also have to adapt a little.

"You have to want to study maths and computer science."

However, he formulates very clear requirements for a successful maths or computer science degree. "The following applies to studying maths or computer science and all areas in the STEM sector: you really have to want to do it!" Professor Lang emphasises that, in addition to interest, you should also have the necessary drive and be willing to "invest a little". Although this is no guarantee of success, it offers the best chances. There should also be a certain "playful instinct" if it leads you to deal intensively with something, to try it out until you get to the bottom of it and find a solution. When studying computer science, the constructive approach based on tried and tested patterns is also strongly represented, including in programming. This results in "products" in the form of executable programmes early on in the course, and this is an additional motivation for many. Lang sees the fact that computer science students often have different backgrounds as "a challenge for us to teach these people in such a way that some are not bored and others are not overwhelmed." He says: "Our lectures really do start from scratch and we see time and again that even students who have never had computer science before complete it quite successfully."

"If you can save energy, that's always a positive thing."

Professor Lang's research is interdisciplinary, with applications in physics and chemistry, for example. This involves calculations of vibrational states and molecular structures.

"We are trying to develop processes in which as many processors as possible can be involved. This is essential for today's high-performance computers. And the calculations have to be as fast as possible, especially when they are carried out millions of times." One of the goals is also to improve the ecological balance by reducing energy consumption.

For him, transfer means both the exchange of expertise or methodology, as well as dealing with requirements brought to the specialist group from outside. The faculty's transfer activities also include smaller specialist conferences and projects aimed at the general public, such as the organisation of the state level of the Mathematics Olympiad in 2015.

When Professor Lang concludes, "even things that are highly abstract often find their way into our daily lives after a while," he is describing the range of topics in mathematics and computer science that are not necessarily immediately accessible to the layperson and thus appear tangible and understandable. Algorithms already have - more or less perceptibly - a major influence on our everyday lives; this is likely to increase in the future. Mathematics and computer science continue to hold many puzzles, challenging problems, great discoveries and marvellous structures in store.

Uwe Blass (interview from 14 November 2017)


Prof Dr Bruno Lang studied at the University of Karlsruhe, obtained his doctorate in 1991 and then worked at the University of Wuppertal and RWTH Aachen University. Since 2002, he has held the professorship for Applied Computer Science - Algorithmics in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) at the University of Wuppertal.