50 years of Bergische Universität
An anniversary in pictures

2022 is the anniversary year of the Bergische Universität. On Thursday, August 3, 1972, the then Minister of Science, Johannes Rau, declared the University of Wuppertal open. The university's own chronicle reports 3,473 students enrolled in the founding semester. A lot has happened since then. The university has grown significantly, gained new locations and a large number of students, implemented projects funded with millions of deutschmarks and euros, trained outstanding scientists, and also overcome tough crises. The arts have always played a significant role in the university's life.
Join our scholars this year on a journey through time to 12 chronologically arranged moments that have changed and shaped us.
The historical photos next to the stories about our lecturers were kindly provided by the University Archives and the Freundeskreis Pauluskirche e.V..
Click on the corresponding image to get to the associated transfer story.



Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Karoline Augenstein
Political Science

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Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Sara Hägi-Mead
School of Education

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Photo candidate: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Dietrich Wolf
Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering

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Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Britta Stumpe

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Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Armin Seyfried
Civil Engineering

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Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Bettina Rulofs
Sports Science

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Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Michael Scheffel
Humanities and Cultural Studies

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Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Kurt Erlemann
Protestant Theology

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Photo candidates: Prof. Dr. Claudia Neugebauer/ Prof. Dr. André Betzer
Economics - Schumpeter School of Business and Economics

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Photo candidate: Prof`in Dr. Gela Preisfeld

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(Kopie 12)


Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Annemarie Neser
Design and Art

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Photo candidate: Prof. Dr. Antoine Tordeux
Safety Engineering

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