Teaching and research profile (e)

Natural environment, engineering and safety

(selected examples)

Project “Fresh Brains”

The objective of this project is the improvement of bicycle traffic planning in German towns and cities. An essential component of the project is to take a“fresh” look at the local situation in selected communities from an external perspective by undertaking a joint audit and analysis of bicycle traffic planning measures and bicycle traffic research by students based in Germany and the Netherlands at the Universities of Wuppertal and Breda.

Faculty 5, department of civil engineering.


The “2°-CAMPUS Academy”

The objective of the 2°-CAMPUS Academy is to engage with the issues in living in a low-greenhouse-gas society. Students learn how to carry out independent research in an ongoing discourse with university mentors, external research institutes and excursions. The programme encompasses the development of a research question, the collection and evaluation of data as well as the public presentation of the results. Students collaborate in the search for ways to slow climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Germany by 95 per cent by 2050.

Faculty 5, department of architecture.


The Intelligent Local Network Stations (iNES) project

An intelligent automation technology will be developed in the course of the iNES project, which will be integrated in the local network station where it will cyclically monitor the altered power flow situation and initiate appropriate countermeasures in the event of an imminent threshold value transgression.

Faculty 6, department of electrical engineering and information technology.


The “genΣwalker” project

The objective of this project is to develop a rollator with an auxiliary electrical propulsion mechanism, which will enable people with various physical handicaps and in various situations to continue to take part in public life for longer and more actively. Project “genΣwalker” was initiated in the context of a collaboration between the University of Wuppertal and three companies based in Wuppertal.

Faculty 7, department of machine engineering.


The “Domestic Furnace” project

Since early 2015 there has been a mandatory requirement to monitor particulate emissions from furnaces with a nominal output in excess 4 kW. To date there has been no suitable commercial mensuration process available for this. The objective of the collaboration is to develop a means of recording the specified emissions in a quick and cost-effective manner. The VDI 4206 Directive, which defines the requirements for monitoring devices for the mensuration of particulate emissions from furnaces, serves as a guideline for the initiative.

Faculty 7, department of security technology.