Teaching and research profile (c):

Health, illness prevention and movement

(selected examples)


Project “3rd Youth Welfare Day – Living Diversity!“

In this day and age, the lives of children and young people are characterised by diversity – diverse experiences, identities and lifestyles. “Living diversity“ is, therefore, a central and recognised principal of child and youth welfare. Yet, diversity is also continually raising challenges for child and youth welfare organisations and requires them to modify their services accordingly. The 3rd Youth Welfare Day at the University of Wuppertal provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and discuss possibilities for the advancement of developments in the field of child and youth welfare.

Faculty 2, department of social pedagogy.


The “Outpatient Clinic for the Treatment of Sports Injuries” project

A team of experienced doctors and experts in sports and nutrition at the University of Wuppertal’s Outpatient Clinic for the Treatment of Sports Injuries provides personal diagnostic and qualified advisory services in relation to amateur, popular and high-performance sporting activities, prevention and rehabilitation as well as nutrition. In addition, participants receive personalised written health and prevention recommendations including, where appropriate, nutrition and training plans.

Faculty 2, department of sports science.


The “Inter-Disciplinary Medication Management”

The medical support of elderly patients depends on a successful collaboration between the various professions and sectors. It increasingly requires the transgression of existing boundaries of responsibilities in terms of patient care and demands the confidential and reciprocal exchange of information between all affected professions. In collaboration with various partner organisations, the Bergisch Lang Region Centre of Excellence for Health Management and Public Health (BKG) has been pursuing this integration concept in the context of a project funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union. The central focus of the project is the development and evaluation of an interdisciplinary medication management system.

Faculty 3, Bergisch Regional Competence Center for Healthcare Economics and Research.