Teaching and research profile (b):

Education and knowledge in social and cultural contexts

(selected examples)


Project “Wuppertal Zoo Discussions”

The long-running and successful lecture series on Primatology and Anthropology at the Wuppertal Zoo ape enclosure is presented as part of the University of Wuppertal’s General Studies lecture series “What is a Human?” and receives funding from the Jackstädt Foundation among others. The discussions are held about twice per semester on average.

Faculty 1, department of philosophy.


Project “TransZent”

The TransZent Research Centre was co-founded by the University of Wuppertal and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, and is primarily focused on research. The many TransZent projects are designed to actively promote the exchange of information between the social, economic, natural and engineering sciences. To this end, the prerequisites for fundamental social changes are subject to comparative analyses and action initiatives geared towards improved sustainability are derived.

Faculty 2, Human and Social Sciences.

The “Schriefers Design Collection” Project

The Schriefers Design Collection Trust is a study and research collection at the University of Wuppertal. Students get the chance to work with exhibits to gain hands-on experience with concrete objects in order to deepen their understanding of the theory, practice, teaching and history of design. To this end, the collection includes more than 5000 trailblazing products that exemplify industrial design, primarily from the spheres of office, domestic and interior design.

Faculty 8, Institute of Applied Art History and Visual Culture.

The “Behavioural Development Diagnostic App” project

Based on the newest pure research findings, a practice-oriented software application (‘app’) for use in behavioural development diagnostics has been developed in collaboration with the University of Cologne. Among other things, this app will be used to better predict the long-term behavioural development of schoolchildren and to improve interdisciplinary communications between experts and the practice-oriented evaluation of support measures.

School of Education.