Our self-image and our goals
The University of Wuppertal continuously reflects on its self-image as a university and its idea of good research and teaching. The guidelines and strategy papers formulate these convictions and goals of the university and can therefore also serve as orientation for individual teaching.
Organisational structure of the University of Wuppertal
Like any organisation, the University of Wuppertal is in a constant state of change. The most up-to-date representation of the organisational structure above the individual faculties and central institutions is provided by the university's organisational chart.
Organisational structure of the university of Wuppertal
Mission statement of the University of Wuppertal
The University of Wuppertal is a modern, independent university in the Humboldtian tradition of education. In 2013, it adopted a mission statement that describes the research and teaching profile of our university.
BUW mission statement & profile as a website
BUW mission statement & profile as pdf
Teaching mission statement
Conscious of the fact that the external form of university teaching and learning is subject to constant change, students and teaching staff at the University of Wuppertal are constantly endeavouring to develop a common idea of what good teaching (or good learning) is. A vital expression of this endeavour is a special mission statement for teaching at our university, which has been developed in a participatory process involving all university status groups since the end of 2024. A dedicated website provides information about the process and the results to date.
Website "Teaching mission statement - thinking teaching together"
Digitisation strategy
Our university is aware that universities - even more than other organisations - have a dual role to play in the course of digitalisation: on the one hand, they use innovative digital opportunities for future-oriented research and contemporary teaching; on the other hand, they themselves are drivers of digital development. The university as an organisation also requires prudent digitalisation in central institutions and faculties in order to be able to fulfil its diverse tasks in the long term. The digitalisation strategy of the University of Wuppertal provides information on how this will happen.
Digitisation strategy of the BUW
Guidance on the use of AI in teaching
The technological development of artificial intelligence (AI) offers many far-reaching opportunities in the context of university learning and teaching. At the same time, the use of this technology (whose ethical and legal circumstances are still partly under discussion) requires a critical and reflective approach. The handouts on the use of generative AI in studying and teaching - with specific recommendations for students and tips for teachers - offer a basic orientation with a Wuppertal perspective. The guidelines are regularly updated to reflect the latest developments in AI technology and case law. The current status can be recognised by the version information on the website.
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