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Well networked at the university of Wuppertal

The University of Wuppertal supports networking between researchers and teaching staff. This may involve networking within the university on a professional or collegial level, or contacts beyond the boundaries of the University of Wuppertal to other educational and research institutions and to the private sector.

Professional networking within the BUW

A good basis for collegial networking is provided by the numerous interdisciplinary centers of the University of Wuppertal with their group-specific events.

Overview page of the existing interdisciplinary centres

Teachers on teaching-related degree programmes will certainly be particularly interested in exchanging ideas in one of the Interdisciplinary Project Forums for Teacher Education (InProf). The aim is to pool interdisciplinary issues in research and teaching in teacher education. The Interdisciplinary Project Forums are based within the School of Education at the BUW and represent an excellent opportunity to address cross-cutting issues in teacher education and analyse them jointly from different perspectives.

Website of the InProf service centre

Professional networking outside the BUW

The University of Wuppertal supports the lively exchange of information between its teaching staff and members of other universities and colleges. This can take place within the framework of conferences, through the generation of joint teaching projects, or through participation in a specialised university didactics association. The University of Wuppertal is itself involved in the NRW University Didactics Network.

Website of the NRW University Didactics Network

Website of the German Association for University Didactics (dghd)

Networking in academic self-administration: committees and study day

The University of Wuppertal values the principle of university self-administration and welcomes the participation of its members in the committees of this self-administration.

On the annual Day of Studies, students and teaching staff from all status groups discuss the current state of development of the quality of studying and teaching at the University of Wuppertal and the progress that has been made in smaller groups in the individual faculties or in a larger setting. Plenary lectures and panel discussions are held on selected topics. The date will be announced in good time by the Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching in the newsletter.

Business meets science

Research and teaching are closely interlinked at the BUW. The good contact with regional and national industry ensures the transfer of research results and the practical relevance of teaching.

Overview page on transfer networks


There is a rich life at our university alongside teaching. A good opportunity to get to know people beyond the hierarchical boundaries is, for example, the university sports centre at the University of Wuppertal, which is open to all status groups.

University sports centre offers

Events such as the annual University Ball in the Historische Statthalle in Wuppertal, the regular Streetfoodfestival on our campus and many other special events are always well attended by all status groups. The BUW provides information about upcoming events on the homepage of its website, for example, or on the information screens that can be found in central locations around the university.

Web calendar events & dates