Getting off to a good start in teaching

Start teaching, train and qualify

University didactics programmes at the BUW

High-quality teaching of subject content (commonly referred to as "good teaching") requires reflected knowledge of university didactics. At the University of Wuppertal, the Service Centre for Academic Staff Development (SaPe) offers a comprehensive and diverse range of further training courses.

From the qualification of tutors for their first trials in teaching to individual observation or coaching in voice training and body language for professors - regardless of whether you are new to the role of a teacher or have already gained several semesters of teaching experience. At SaPe, you will find support to further improve your teaching or find out about current trends in university and teaching media didactics.

Website of the Service Centre for Academic Personnel Development (SaPe)



With the "Teaching and Learning" certificate programme, the University of Wuppertal offers a high-quality higher education didactic qualification for its tutors. The certificate meets the high standards of the nationwide network for tutoring at universities and should be completed within the first two semesters after starting as a tutor.

Information and registration for the ZLL


Scientific employees

The Service Centre for Academic Personnel Development offers various certificate programmes for employees in the academic mid-level staff. In the field of university teaching, the certificate programme Professional Teaching Competence for the University (ZHD) in accordance with the quality standards of the "German Association for University Didactics" (dghd) in the NRW network is particularly important. Here, participants receive a sound basic qualification in higher education didactics. Of course, the individual courses can also be attended without a certificate (subject to availability).

Further information and registration for the ZHD


The certificate programme Management Competencies for Academics (ZMK) is aimed at employees with management or project responsibility (e.g. postdocs with research group leadership and corresponding personnel responsibility). Access to these events is generally limited. You can find out more about participation in a counselling session.

Further information and registration for the ZMK


Professors and junior professors

For professors and junior professors, the Academic Staff Development Service Centre offers free workshops on various topics in small groups (up to six participants) as well as individual coaching sessions.

Further information and registration options for workshops, individual coaching sessions and teaching observations of the Prof. programme