Welcome to the Student-Services-Center on Grifflenberg Campus!
No prior booking of appointments necessary - feel free to come in for any questions you have on the wheres and hows here at Wuppertal University or on any administrative issues.
We provide you with information on various topics concerning your course of study and student life in general: starting with how to apply and matriculate to changing your study programme, how to register for exams, studying abroad as well as to finishing your studies and the process of deregistration.
We are happy to help you find and correctly fill in the right forms and check whether anything is missing in your applications. Once everything is complete you can hand them in with us and we are at your side all the way through the administrative process.
Don't hesitate to drop by our office in building G.08.16!
It is possible to have credits, individual exams or entire semesters that were acquired at another university recongised here at Wuppertal University. The same goes for other skills - where applicable.
Responsible for the recognition is the respective examination board of your study programme. The forms used are specific for your study programme and can be found on your programme's respective website. They need to be filled in and all the necessary certificates for the credits have to be included. Once everything is complete, you can hand them in with us at the Service Desk of the Central Examination Office (ZPA).
Please note that there are special forms for the recognition of credits acquired at universities abroad.
The counselling on BAföG is part of the services of the Hochschulsozialwerk.
To claim BAföG it can sometimes be necessary to hand in a statement of your study credits to the Hochschulsozialwerk. This statement can be issued and picked up at the Central Examination Office service desk at the SSC.
Cerificates issued by the International Center:
Certificate for Auslands-BAföG (funding for staying abroad).
Certificates issued by the Central Examination Office:
Certificates for the Ausländerbehörde (Foreign Citizens’ Office)
KfW-Loan Certificate
Certificates issued by the Student Admission and Registration:
Certificates of Enrollment: Once you have been fully matriculated you can download and print your own certificate of enrollment, overview of study credits, and BAföG certificate via the self service option in StudiLöwe.
Rentenbescheinigungen, Exmatrikulationsbescheinigungen und Studienbescheinigungen in englischer Sprache können ggf. im SSC direkt ausgestellt bzw. beantragt werden.
Auch das Formblatt für den Fall des Antrags auf Waisenrente kann ggf. auch schon im SSC ausgefüllt werden. Bitte kommen Sie mit Ihrem Personalausweis und dem auszufüllenden Dokument (bitte keine eigenen Eintragungen darin vornehmen) zum Service Desk des Studierendensekretariats.
Bescheinigungen des Internationalen Studierendensekretariats:
Auch für internationale Studierende können Exmatrikulationsbescheinigungen und Studienbescheinigungen in englischer Sprache ggf. im SSC direkt ausgestellt bzw. beantragt werden.
Studienbescheinigungen: Ihre Studien-/Studienverlaufs-/BaföG-Bescheinigung stehen für Sie ebenfalls, sobald Sie vollständig eingeschrieben wurden, über StudiLöwe im Self-Service zum Download/Druck bereit.
It is possible to take one or more semester(s) of leave of absence, due to several recognized reasons, during your course of study at Wuppertal University. We provide you with information and you can hand in your application for leave of absence with us - we will pass it on to the staff in charge.
Application for a semester of leave of absence
International students hand in their application for a semester of leave of absence at the Service Desk Student Admission and Registration for International Students.
Application for a semester of leave of absence (international students)
Wie komme ich in meinen Wunschstudiengang? Auf welchem Weg muss ich mich spätestens bis wann bewerben?
Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Bewerbung und nehmen, sobald Sie sich einschreiben können, Ihre Einschreibeunterlagen entgegen, prüfen diese auf Vollständigkeit und leiten diese zur Bearbeitung weiter.
Sie interessieren sich für ein Studium an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal und wissen nicht, ob der Schul- oder Studienabschluss Ihres Heimatlandes anerkannt wird? Wir beglaubigen Ihre Bewerbungsunterlangen, prüfen Ihre Hochschulzugangsberechtigung und Ihre Einschreibeunterlagen auf Vollständigkeit.
Ausführliche Informationen für Studieninteressierte mit einer ausländischen Hochschulzugangsberechtigung finden Sie nachstehend in unseren allgemeinen Informationen.
Allgemeine Informationen für Internationale Studieninteressierte
You can apply for your de-registration in person at our office.
Please bring the completed application form and your identity card with you.
Application for exmatriculation
You can apply for your de-registration in person at our office.
Please bring the completed application form and your identity card with you. If you would like to apply for exmatriculation with immediate effect, please also bring your student ID.
The University welcomes people with a refugee background. As part of the In Touch project, we offer information and advice as well as support and qualification services to prospective students and students with a refugee background as well as academics at risk. At the SSC, you can obtain initial information and make individual counselling appointments.
At the Service Desk of the ZPA
can be handed in.
Please inform yourself in advance on the pages of your degree programme about deadlines, information regarding completeness. (electr. data carrier, declaration of independence) and download the necessary forms there.
Outside the opening hours of the SSC, you can submit theses and limited repeatable assignments as usual at the mailroom or the gate.
Certificates must be obtained immediately, i.e. usually no later than the day of the examination. They must be submitted to the
third working day after the respective examination date at the latest. Irrespective of this, withdrawal from the examination must be
examination at the earliest reasonable time, i.e. as a rule by the start of the examination or if the illness is recognisable.
of the illness, must be expressly declared at the ZPA. You can submit the completed form to the SSC accordingly.
ZPA account statements can be created and collected at the SSC.
Lost your student ID or ZIM PIN? No problem. Both can be reissued at the SSC. Please bring your identity card with you.
Please note that the student ID card will be sent by post after receipt of your payment, approximately two weeks before the start of the semester. Therefore, please do not apply for a new student ID card until you have received it at the beginning of the semester or, in the case of late payment of the semester fee, not until four weeks after your transfer at the latest.
Until when do you have to re-register this semester? And how much was the fee again?
Re-registration is still done by transferring the semester fee.
The Student Admission and Registration assists international students with re-registration.
You can change your address yourself via StudiLöwe.
After you have logged in to StudiLöwe, you can change your address, telephone number and private email address under "My studies - Student services - Contact details". To do this, use the pencil icon in the "Studies" tab. In the mask that appears, click on the pencil icon in front of "edit". You can then enter or overwrite your new address. Afterwards, exit the masks by clicking on "Save" and "Back".
Please be sure to check whether the assignment as home or semester address has been entered and is still correct. If not, assign it in the "Home and semester" screen by clicking on "Enter assignment", select the correct button there and save. After you call up the "Contact data" tab again, the new selection of the home or semester address is displayed correctly, especially in the "Study" and "Study correspondence" masks.
Name changes, e.g. after marriage or for other reasons, can also be applied for on site with the relevant documents (official proof of name change such as marriage certificate and identity card).
If you are a registered student and would like to apply for a change of your registered gender, please submit the application for change of registered gender to us.
Service Desk ZPA
Completion of the document "Bescheinigung der Ausbildungsstätte zur Vorlage bei der Ausländerbehörde" (certificate of the educational institution for submission to the Foreigners' Registration Office) as proof of the study success prognosis for submission to the Foreigners' Registration Office.
Service Desk Internationales
Information on support services and German language courses and qualification programmes to accompany studies, as well as advice and support, e.g. in finding accommodation, for students at the university.
Registration for participation in excursions and events organised by the International Students Team (I.S.T.) or the International Center.
Information on the International Students Team.
Anyone who needs a buddy can get information and register at the SSC.
Information and advice for Wuppertal students who need a buddy or would like to volunteer as a buddy for international students or in the International Students Team (I.S.T).
International Erasmus and exchange students can submit their application for a Transcript of Records at the SSC.
Not all concerns can be clarified directly at the SSC.
If you need to make an appointment with one of the relevant advisors in one of our departments (ZPA, Student Admission and registration for international students ("Internationales Studierendensekretariat"), International Center), you can do so on site.
You are currently enrolled at Bergische Universität Wuppertal and would like to continue your studies in another part/programme or you would like to enrol in an additional part/programme?
Depending on whether you are interested in an admission-free or admission-restricted degree programme, the way to get there varies. You can find information on this on the relevant websites of the Student Administration Office - we are happy to help with any unanswered questions and will gladly accept applications.
The Student Admission and Registration for international students supports international students in changing their subject.
Certificates of graduation previously applied for at the ZPA can be collected from the SSC.
To apply/enrol for a place, applicants should submit a certified copy of their Abitur certificate. German Abitur certificates cannot be certified at the SSC.
Certificates for application/enrolment (international prospective students/refugees):
After your university entrance qualification has been checked, the necessary certificates can be certified at the SSC.
Enrolled students from other universities who are not on leave of absence can become secondary auditors at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
Please inform yourself in advance on the respective websites of the Student Administration Office about the different ways to become a second auditor. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you.