ERC Projects of the University of Wuppertal

Horizon 2020: ERC Advanced Grant DIRECTS
Direct Temporal Synthesis of Terahertz Light Fields Enabling Novel Computational Imaging

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ullrich Pfeiffer,
Institute for High Frequency & Communication Technology

Project duration: 01.10.2021-30.09.2026

more information

Press release

Presentation of the project at the exhibition during the event Horizont Europa.NRW – Erfolge im Blick of the Ministry of Culture and Science NRW 14.03.2024
press release
impression film


Horizon 2020: ERC Starting Grant REWOCRYPT
Theoretically-Sound Real-World Cryptography

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager
IT Security and Cryptography

Project duration: 01.04.2019-31.03.2024

more information

Press release

Horizon 2020: ERC Starting Grant HyMoCo
Hybrid Nodes for Highly Efficient Light Concentrators

Princial Investigator: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Görrn
Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics

Project duration: 01.03.2015-29.02.2020

more information

Project website


Horizon 2020: ERC Proof of Concept Grant ConPhoNo
Next Generation of Concentrated Photovoltaics Using Node Concentrators

Princial Investigator: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Görrn
Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics

Project duration: 01.04.2020-30.09.2021

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