BUW Sustainability Award

With our award for outstanding sustainability projects, we want to give them greater visibility and encourage the development of further solutions for a sustainable future.

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BUW Publication Prize

Our prizes for outstanding scientific work published in the previous calendar year are awarded annually.

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Our award for the commitment of professors or academic staff who have made a special contribution to the internationalisation and/or internationality of the university.

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Our awards for outstanding teaching are presented across all forms of teaching and disciplines.

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Young Academics and Doctoral Awards (FABU)

The Friends and Alumni Association of the University of Wuppertal (FABU) awards annual prizes in the categories of young academics (Bachelor's, Master's, exams) and doctorates as well as the special "Closely Connected" prize for English Studies to graduates for their outstanding theses and dissertations.

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For more than twenty years, the University of Wuppertal (BUW) has been awarding the DAAD Prize, which is funded by the Federal Foreign Office, to international students and doctoral candidates who have distinguished themselves through special academic achievements combined with social commitment.

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Schumpeter School Prize

The Schumpeter School Prize for Business and Economic Analysis recognises significant academic contributions to Schumpeterian research. It is awarded to scientists whose theoretical or empirical work is characterised by outstanding scientific quality and relevance.

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Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Prize

The Physics Department of the University of Wuppertal and the Physics Research Centre of Heinrich Heine University award the annual Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Prize, which is sponsored by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. The best dissertation in the field of physics is honoured in a competition.

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