New framework regulations
New framework regulations for the awarding of scholarships for the preparation of doctorates at the University of Wuppertal since February 17th, 2025!
Doctoral funding from third-party funds at the BUW
Based on the above-mentioned framework regulations, it is possible to award scholarships from third-party funds to particularly qualified doctoral students.
What is possible with third-party funded scholarships according to the framework regulations?
- Term of up to 3 years with the option of extension
- up to EUR 2,000/month
- plus child allowance and lump sum for material and travelling expenses, if applicable
If third-party funds are available for third-party funded scholarships, the third-party funded scholarships are advertised publicly at the university and published on the website of the respective faculty and/or chair.
Members of underrepresented groups in science are particularly encouraged to apply.
Have you acquired third-party funding and would like to award third-party scholarships?
In the sidebar you will find the currently valid framework regulations, as well as a sample
- for the announcement of a third-party funded scholarship,
- for an application form,
- for data protection information,
- information on the reimbursement of travel and material costs and the corresponding application form
If you have any further questions regarding the tendering and awarding of third-party funded scholarships, please contact the contract management team.