Contract Management

The central task of the Contract Management is to review and draft contracts concluded for the preparation and organisation of externally funded projects. This includes cooperation contracts, research and development contracts and non-disclosure agreements, among other things. The Contract Management also provides advice in legal matters arising in direct association with externally funded projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us as early as possible at vertragsmanagement[at]



You contact Contract Management asking for the review or preparation of a draft contract in connection with your externally funded project. You can also find initial sample agreements under Contract templates and draft contracts (in German). Contract Management will then negotiate the individual contract contents with all project partners. Meanwhile, the project manager will prepare the required documents, such as external funding notification, declaration on the liability to pay income tax and the declarations of commitment by the persons involved in the project. Contract Management will be happy to answer your individual case enquiries about which forms need to be filled in. Once all required forms are available, Contract Management will release the contracts and submit them for the legally binding signature by a person with signing authority. As soon as a contract has been signed by all parties required to sign, the dossier is forwarded to the person in charge from the Research Funding Management unit.


Contract templates and drafts (in German)

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Exceptional costs procedure (in German)

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State aid law (in German)

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Funding agreement for externally funded scholarships (in German)

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Tax law (in German)

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Export control (in German)

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