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As a young, up-and-coming university located in an exciting and dynamic region, the University of Wuppertal has a broad base of expertise and an excellent research landscape that enables us to gain knowledge for people through people: We are close to the needs of society and see ourselves as a place of innovation and development that will emphatically influence the future by dovetailing excellent disciplinary and interdisciplinary basic research with highly specialised applications.
With regional roots and an international network, our scientists conduct excellent research in traditional disciplines and subjects that are unique in Germany, embedded in our profile lines, fields of activity and interdisciplinary centres. A particular focus here is on the promotion of our early career researchers.
Find out more about our research projects, research infrastructure and awards on our website.
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FORIS (BUW financed Funding)
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Research information system
With its faculties, interdisciplinary centres and core facilities, the University of Wuppertal offers a wide range of opportunities for scientific networking. We support your research with internal funding programs and awards, as well as services related to publications, research data management, IT and transfer.
Our Research Funding and External Funding service assists researchers in acquiring funding and in efficient project management. Our consultants are available to help you with issues relating to scientific integrity, research ethics and gender equality.