Ukrainian Film Days NRW
Between destruction and intimacy: director Oksana Karpovych shows documentary film "Intercepted" at the university

Scene from the documentary film Intercepted. Director Oksana Karpovych focusses on the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine // Photo Christopher Nunn
"Intercepted" is a documentary film about the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine since February 2022. Images that capture the extent of the destruction are combined and contrasted on the soundtrack with telephone calls made by Russian soldiers from Ukraine to family members at home, mostly mothers and partners, which were intercepted by the Ukrainian secret service. The film celebrated its premiere at the Berlinale in February 2024.
Information at a glance
The event begins on 27 June at 6 p.m., admission from 5.30 p.m., in the film studio on the Grifflenberg campus (Building I, Level 15, Room 79). The event will be held in English. Admission is free, registration is not required.
Meet the Pros
The Audiovisual Media Design degree programme regularly presents various events and event series. Meet the Pros invites exciting guests from the film and creative industries to the University of Wuppertal to share their experiences from their careers and everyday working life and to discuss current developments in their industry with the participants.
Further links
Background and programme: Ukrainian Film Days NRW
Documentary film about the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine: Intercepted
Meet the Pros: Event with Oksana Karpovych
Study programme: Audiovisual Media Design