
Wupper Scholarships celebrate their 5th anniversary and the admission of ten new scholarship holders

28.06.2024|10:19 Uhr

The fifth anniversary of the "Wupper Scholarships" was celebrated yesterday with great joy. The student scholarship was launched as part of the talent scouting programme of the central student guidance and counselling services of the University of Wuppertal. Since 2019, the programme has offered talented and committed pupils in the Bergisch city-triangle the opportunity to actively shape their educational path without restrictions. The sixth round of funding started in February this year: on Thursday afternoon, Prof Dr Susanne Buch, Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching, and Wupper Scholarship Coordinator Milica Zajac presented ten new scholarship holders with their certificates in a festive atmosphere.

The new scholarship holders celebrated their admission with former participants, the talent scouting team and other guests in the best summer weather on the Grifflenberg campus // Photos Michael Mutzberg

This year's anniversary and admission ceremony took place in the Bergisches Zimmer at the Grifflenberg campus and was financially supported by Wuppertal Stadtwerke. In her welcoming speech, Prof. Dr Susanne Buch emphasised the importance of the programme for the region: "Over the past five years, the Wupper Scholarships have supported outstanding students and enabled them to develop their full potential. It is impressive to see how these young talents pursue their goals and realise their dreams. The five-year anniversary is an important milestone in talent scouting at the University of Wuppertal and shows how important our cooperation with schools is for the region. Special thanks go to all those who make the promotion of talent possible through their commitment to the Wupper Scholarships. I look forward to many more years of successful support."

Also in attendance was Dr Sabine Graap, Head of the Department of Student Law, Education Funding, Scholarships, University Tax Law and Diversity Management at the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. She also warmly welcomed all those present.

Also present were graduates who have completed their A-levels and are therefore leaving the scholarship programme. Here from left to right: Zejnab Mahmoudian, Maya Jendrossek, Chiara Carbonaro, Malak Taha and Semih Artar.

Former scholarship holders also spoke about their experiences and the positive influence of the scholarship programme on their education and professional development. "The scholarship didn't just offer me financial security. Thanks to the scholarship, I was able to develop further and gain formative experiences," says Zohal Nazari, alumna of the second funding round. Together with Atila Bouzari, alumnus of the third funding round, she hosted the anniversary and acceptance ceremony, to which all current and former scholarship holders, their families, supporters and friends of the programme were invited. The programme included a panel discussion with alumni and alumnae, various performances by scholarship holders and the presentation of this year's certificates.

About the Wupper Scholarships

Since its foundation in 2019, the "Wupper Scholarships" student scholarship programme has been supporting talented and committed students from the region as part of the talent scouting programme of the University of Wuppertal and giving them the opportunity for personal and academic development. Over the past five years, 40 scholarship holders have benefited from the programme, which includes not only financial support but also a comprehensive mentoring and educational programme. The material support programme provides needs-based funding for material and educational expenses. The non-material support enables participation in personal development and subject-specific workshops as well as cultural events.

Funding and funding opportunities

The Rotary Club Wuppertal-Süd, the Dr Werner Jackstädt Foundation, the Soroptimist International Club Bergisch-Land/Wuppertal, the Rotary Club Wuppertal and the Brigitte and Peter vom Hemdt Foundation are among the sponsors of the Wupper Scholarship Programme. "The Wupper Scholarships are delighted to receive further donations, which always go in full to all scholarship holders," says Milica Zajac, adding: "The success of our scholarship holders is proof of the positive impact that targeted funding and support can have."

Information on the Wupper Scholarships and NRW Talent Scouting can be found at and

The University's Foundation and Cooperation Management team provides information on donation opportunities on its website.

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