Exciting impulses
University lecture series: Sharing knowledge and bringing research to life

Bringing exciting impulses to Solingen and Remscheid with their research topics: Heather Kaths (top left), Gabriele Molzberger, Lennart Borgmann (bottom left) and Axel Buether // Photos University of Wuppertal, Martin Jepp
The series is a co-operation between the University of Wuppertal, the Remscheider General-Anzeiger and the Solinger Tageblatt. The venue in Solingen is the Lumen Solingen in the Clemens-Galerien (Mühlenplatz 1, 42651 Solingen) and in Remscheid the Lenneper Klosterkirche (Klostergasse 8, 42897 Remscheid).
The topics, speakers and dates at a glance:
"Bergisches Land - E-Bike Land?"
with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heather Kaths, Cycling Education and Research; in Remscheid on 17 March and in Solingen on 25 March, both at 7 p.m.
"Education of adults - why, why, why"
with Prof. Dr Gabriele Molzberger, Department of Education and Research with a focus on vocational and further education; in Remscheid on 28 April and in Solingen on 20 May, both at 7 p.m.
"Why we buy what we buy: The psychology of consumer behaviour "
with Dr Lennart Borgmann, Department of Marketing and Management; in Solingen on 29 April and in Remscheid on 12 June, both at 7 p.m.
"The mysterious power of colours. How they affect our well-being, our health and our motivation to act."
with Prof. Dr Axel Buether, Department of Didactics of Visual Communication, in Remscheid on 19 May and in Solingen on 17 June, both at 7 p.m.