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Student survey 2024

27.06.2024|15:18 Uhr

The University of Wuppertal regularly conducts student surveys to support the quality management of teaching and learning. The current round of surveys started around a fortnight ago and will run until the end of July.

Photo Colourbox

The student evaluation of study conditions and statements on expectations of the degree programme as well as the quality of a large number of central advisory and service offers at the University of Wuppertal form the basis for continuous quality development.

The results of the EVA-Quest surveys are used in a variety of ways. Since spring 2010, for example, they have formed an important basis for the work of the Bologna Check Commissions of the subjects and faculties. Numerous examination regulations have been changed and now contribute to an optimised study structure at the University of Wuppertal. Student feedback therefore has a direct impact on current and future study conditions.

Who can take part?

EVA-Quest is aimed at students on all Bachelor's, Master's and state examination degree programmes - students in the first and second semesters are addressed in an initial survey and students from the third semester onwards in a follow-up survey.

Each student will find a personal access link to the survey in their own university webmail account. This link makes it possible to save the survey temporarily and call it up again at the saved location at another time.

Further information and the results of the last surveys can be found on the website of the university service QSL - Quality in Studies and Teaching