
New research project optimises circular sawing processes with artificial intelligence

06.03.2025|10:15 Uhr

In the international research project SawMotionAI, scientists at the University of Wuppertal want to monitor, analyse and optimise circular sawing processes with the help of innovative measurement, analysis and control technologies.

Optimising maintenance, reducing costs: In the SawMotionAI project, researchers are focussing on circular saw blades // Photo Colourbox

Stefan Bracke, Philipp Heß and Alicia Auer from the Chair of Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis are developing a dynamic degradation model that predicts the service life of saw blades and analyses their technical reliability.

Circular saws are used in a wide variety of applications - from wood and plastics to aluminium and steel. Processing metal in particular involves high loads that lead to increased wear. "As circular saw blades are serviced several times due to their high investment value, the optimisation of maintenance processes offers considerable savings potential in terms of costs and time," explains Professor Bracke.

Strong partnership for innovative research

SawMotionAI brings together tool manufacturers, machine suppliers and operators to develop a proactive condition monitoring system. The researchers are using state-of-the-art measurement technology and artificial intelligence. The plan is to develop a special circular saw blade called "MotionBlade", which is equipped with wireless vibration sensors. These record data from the sawing process in real time.

The data is analysed using machine learning algorithms that identify critical process states and derive optimisation strategies. Another aim is to develop an active damping system that directly influences vibrations and thus increases the service life of the saw blades.

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics

The two-year research project is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The scientists at the University of Wuppertal are receiving funding of 218,870 euros for their sub-project.

The consortium

Various partners along the circular sawing process are working on the project. The consortium leader FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V. is a private, non-profit institution for applied research focussing on the development of a real-time capable, sensor-based AI system. As a manufacturer of saw blades and circular knives with over 150 years of experience, August Blecher GmbH & Co. KG is responsible for the development, production, implementation and validation of the smart saw blade "MotionBlade", while the Chair of Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis at the University of Wuppertal statistically validates the FGW's AI evaluations, supplements them with its own dynamic degradation models and optimises the input variables of the circular sawing process with efficiency analyses.

Associated partner Karl Diederichs GmbH & Co KG is supporting the project as a user from the steel, rolling and hammer mill sector. framag Industrieanlagenbau GmbH from Austria completes the international consortium as an associated partner with the design and simulation of circular sawing machines.