General Meeting
New board at the University of Wuppertal's alumni association FABU

At the general meeting, the Board of Friends and Alumni of the University of Wuppertal welcomed its two new members Johannes Slawig (7th from left) and Christian Ritz (3rd from left). University Rector Prof Dr Birgitta Wolff (3rd from right) and University Chancellor Ursula Löffler (right) also congratulated them on their election. Thomas Meyer (left) was thanked for his dedicated work. He will remain a supporter and member of the Alumni Association. // Photo Michael Mutzberg
After nine years of dedicated board work, Thomas Meyer, Thomas and Gabriele Meyer Foundation, stepped down from his position on the board for personal reasons. "It is my entrepreneurial responsibility to directly support young academics in our region. FABU is the ideal instrument for this," said Thomas Meyer. However, Meyer will remain associated with FABU as a sponsor and member. At the general meeting, this step was noted with regret but also with understanding. His successor is Johannes Slawig, former treasurer of the city of Wuppertal. He has already been committed to the interests of FABU for a year.
Also new to the Board is Christian Ritz, a member of the Barmenia Management Board. He takes over the vacant position from Carola Schroeder, former board member of Barmenia Krankenversicherungen.
Jens Schmidt, CEO of FABU: "I would like to thank Thomas Meyer for his many years of successful work for our alumni association and wish him all the best. At the same time, I would like to welcome Johannes Slawig and Christian Ritz to the Board of Directors and am very much looking forward to working together and to new impulses and ideas for effective alumni work."
The Friends and Alumni of Bergische Universität e.V. (FABU) is an interdisciplinary association that forms a strong network for the more than 21,500 students, alumni, members and partners of Bergische Universität. FABU supports a wide range of projects at the University of Wuppertal and sees itself as a bridge between research and business.
Dr Martin Hebler (Secretary FABU)
c/o Technologiezentrum Wuppertal W-tec GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Str. 1-13
42119 Wuppertal
E-Mail hebler[at]
Phone 0202/31713-100