Maurice Halbwachs Visiting Professorship

Join the discussion at Café Swane: Racism in France and what Germany can learn from it

13.11.2024|10:20 Uhr

Dr Kolja Lindner has been Maurice Halbwachs Visiting Professor at the University of Wuppertal since this winter semester. In addition to exchanging ideas with students and colleagues, he is also looking for a way into urban society: Lindner is inviting people to Café Swane (Luisenstraße 102a, Wuppertal) on 20 November at 6 pm for a discussion on the topic of racism and far-right election successes in France and the question of what Germany can learn from developments in its neighbouring country. Bernhard Schmid will be on site as a dialogue partner. The journalist, legal scholar, lawyer and author lives in Paris.

Focus on France: The University of Wuppertal promotes international exchange with the ten-year Maurice Halbwachs Visiting Professorship, among other things // Photo Colourbox (Please note the usage information under the press release)

Dr Kolja Lindner is Maurice Halbwachs Visiting Professor at the University of Wuppertal in the winter semester 2024/25 // Photo private

On the topic of the event

The extreme right under the leadership of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella made huge gains in the French European and parliamentary elections this year. According to the event announcement, this has led to a serious crisis in democracy on the other side of the Rhine - not only because of the now unclear parliamentary majority. Rather, the increasing spread of racism is also jeopardising democratic coexistence. And yet: the social mobilisation against the looming electoral success of the Rassemblement National (RN) led to the Nouveau Front Populaire party alliance becoming the strongest political force in the parliamentary elections in July. At Café Swane, the dialogue partners will discuss the question of what democratic and anti-racist perspectives exist in the current constellation. They also want to draw valuable lessons for Germany from the events.

Expert Bernhard Schmid will first give a lecture and then enter into dialogue with guest professor Kolja Lindner and the audience.

The event is being organised in cooperation with the alliance Wuppertal stellt sich quer. Admission is free of charge. Prior registration is not required.

Further encounters with Kolja Lindner

On 11 December, Lindner will give a lecture followed by a discussion on "Eurocentrism in political thought - On the critique of critical theories" as part of the event series Talks with Taste organised by the School of Humanities in cooperation with the Church at the University (ESG and KHG Wuppertal), starting at 12 noon in the premises of the Church at the University, Gaußstraße 4. The event is scheduled to end at 2 pm.

From the announcement: Critical theories are generally characterised by their rejection of domination. And yet: if you take a closer look at their views on North-South relations, astonishing incoherences come to light. Kolja Lindner proposes to get to the bottom of these missing references in the spirit of critical theories.

Talks with Taste is organised by apl. Prof. Dr. Carmen Ulrich. Please register for the event by sending an email to ulrich[at]

More about the Maurice Halbwachs Visiting Professorship

The University of Wuppertal is strengthening its activities in France by establishing the Maurice Halbwachs Visiting Professorship in the School of Humanities for the first time in the 2023/24 academic year. This ten-year professorship , which is interdisciplinary and intercultural in nature, is filled annually by academics from French universities and non-university research institutions. The invited experts from the disciplines of general literary studies, German studies, history, philosophy and French Romance studies not only contribute their specialist knowledge to teaching and research, but also promote active dialogue with the public.

After Dr Agathe Mareuge, Dr Kolja Lindner is now the second visiting professor. He is Associate Professor of Political Theory at the University of Paris 8 and his interests cover a broad spectrum of theoretical thinking about social inequalities and corresponding epistemological issues (social epistemology, global history, postcolonial theory, etc.). In the winter semester, Lindner holds a lecture and a seminar at the University of Wuppertal.

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