At the invitation of the Federal President

Living Lab NRW at the Week of the Environment in Berlin

07.06.2024|10:05 Uhr

This week, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) invited visitors to the "Woche der Umwelt" innovation show in Bellevue Palace Park in Berlin. Around 12,000 visitors attended the event, at which 190 exhibitors presented practical examples from research, technology and business. Among them was the University of Wuppertal with the Living Lab NRW.

Prof. Dr Karsten Voss (left) presents Frank-Walter Steinmeier with the book about the Solar Decahtlon Europe 21/22 as a thank you // Photos (4) Bergische Universität

The Living Lab NRW, the research platform of the University of Wuppertal for climate-neutral building, was selected for this unique event from over 400 registrations. The Environment Week is a melting pot for action potential from all areas of sustainability, be it in industry, agriculture, construction or the transport sector.

Environmentally relevant topics were discussed on site in 70 specialist forums. The Federal President took a lot of time for this and also welcomed political players. For example, Wuppertal's Lord Mayor Prof Dr Uwe Schneidewind discussed green transformation in a panel. Other topics covered in the specialist forums included climate neutrality and the circular economy in operational practice, wood as a building material with a future, serial refurbishment and decarbonisation in existing buildings, i.e. reducing thecarbon footprint of buildings. Important approaches that are also focal points in the Living Lab NRW and thus provided the perfect basis for interesting dialogue at the University of Wuppertal's stand.

Guests there included Mayor Schneidewind as well as representatives from the host organisation DBU, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and the Federal Ministries of Economics and Construction. Prof Dr Karsten Voss presented Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier with the book on the major Wuppertal project "Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22" in a personal conversation.

"The Environment Week was an event that networked the University of Wuppertal and its Living Lab NRW well and gave its sustainability research a boost," said those responsible.

The Living Lab NRW is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Save the date

The next Living Lab NRW event: Tuesday Dialogue, 11 June, with the topic: "The house as an electricity generator"

And make a note already: "Bau Impulse 2024" forum on 19 and 20 September 2024

Further information can be found on the Living Lab NRW website and in the introductory video.