Visit to Bonn

Hand in hand against the climate crisis

02.10.2024|14:21 Uhr

A small delegation from the University of Wuppertal paid a particularly exquisite visit to the UN Climate Change Secretariat in Bonn last Saturday. At the invitation of the Italian Embassy, the five gentlemen took part in a half-day conference on climate change entitled "The Cooperation between Italy and Germany: A valuable Asset in the Fight against Climate Change and for Global Energy Transition".

Bergische Universität as a guest in Bonn: (from left to right) Prof Dr Markus Clemens (Dean), Prof Dr Peter Gust (Vice-Rector for Transfer and International Affairs), Prof Dr Markus Zdrallek, Prof Dr Dietmar Tutsch (Vice-Dean) and Prof Dr Benedikt Schmülling.

It was particularly special that Italian President Sergio Mattarella and German President Franz-Walter Steinmeier were also able to attend and speak after the previous panel session. Climate neutrality, green hydrogen and green electricity served perfectly as an introduction to a short speech. Both emphasised the close cooperation between Italy and Germany in the fight against climate change. Steinmeier explained that cooperation is crucial at this time and referred to joint projects such as the "Bilateral Action Plan", a German-Italian action plan to promote cooperation in the areas of renewable energies and energy efficiency. This plan includes initiatives to develop a climate-neutral European energy system and to support the energy transition in both countries.

This and similar topics are primarily dealt with at the Freudenberg campus in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Media Technology, where they are included in study and research programmes. New degree programmes such as "Smart & Sustainable Systems" focus on these areas and will help to tackle the climate crisis sustainably in the future.




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