"Backstage Uni Wuppertal"

First English podcast episode online

08.07.2024|13:43 Uhr

Studying, teaching, informing, administering, providing: Who are the people you meet at the University of Wuppertal? How did they get here and what makes this place so special for them? This is what students and employees tell us in the podcast "Backstage Uni Wuppertal". The first English episode has now been released.

In it, Juan tells how and why he swapped sunny Colombia for beautiful but cloudy Wuppertal. A wonderful personal story about struggle and success, obstacles and support, coincidences and luck - all fuelled by a love of science.

The podcast is published monthly and can be accessed via Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music. You can also find it on the "Backstage Uni Wuppertal" website.

Anne MacDonald
Content Managerin „Student Life Cycle“
E-Mail contentslc@uni-wuppertal.de