Health promotion

Unique opportunity for new impulses: UniSport on the way to the "Healthy Campus" award

10.09.2024|11:00 Uhr

UniSport at the University of Wuppertal (BUW) is taking part in the FISU Healthy Campus certification programme. Since 2020, the award has aimed to set an international benchmark for physical health and mental well-being on university campuses around the world.

Exercise programmes and community have the potential to increase physical and mental well-being on campus. // Photo Friederike von Heyden

As part of the World University Games, which will take place in the Rhine-Ruhr region in July 2025, the International University Sports Federation (FISU), in cooperation with the German University Sports Federation (AGF) as the organiser of the major event, is enabling ten German universities, including BUW, to certify their institution as a Healthy Campus free of charge.

Health management under the microscope

Now that the selected universities have been announced, the self-assessment phase has begun. "In this phase, we assess whether and how over 100 different criteria are already being fulfilled and implemented at our university," explains Birger Hense, acting head of UniSport. The main topics to be assessed include "Management", "Strategy", "Events", "Communication", "Course and health programmes" and "Evaluation". The subsequent evaluation of the self-assessment is carried out by FISU and highlights strengths and weaknesses. Based on this, the universities receive recommendations for further measures in terms of Healthy Campus certification. "We are then given another opportunity to provide feedback, and the result ultimately helps us to prioritise our efforts to optimise our health management," says Hense.

For more movement in everyday university life

The external audit will then take place in spring 2026, which will ultimately result in the label being awarded depending on fulfilment of the standards: certified, bronze, silver, gold or platinum. The special thing about the World University Games is that the membership fee that would otherwise be due will be waived by FISU for the selected universities for two years corresponding to the certification process. In addition to the primarily competitive nature of the multi-sport event, its framework is to be used to pay due attention to the topic of health. For those responsible, this is an important signal that the university sports centre is a key player in health management.

"The motivation behind the application is to further strengthen our commitment. With the Healthy University programme for employees and the Student Health Centre, we already have a diverse programme in Wuppertal under the umbrella of UniSport," emphasises Hense. The Be active bonus programme, workshops on topics such as nutrition, mental health or deep muscle training, individual consultations, feel-good places such as the hammock park, the Snoozle room and the outdoor teaching and learning room as well as fitness studio on campus are evidence of this. The same applies to the University "Bewegte Uni" seminar, which analyses needs on campus and develops new health services in a solution-oriented manner, as well as the organisation of social events - from escape tours to sustainability days. "The process will show us exciting new opportunities that will benefit all members of the university and their health," says Hense.

More background on the "Healthy Campus" label

The FISU Healthy Campus concept is an internationally recognised label developed by FISU, which aims to improve the well-being of students and all campus members through targeted evaluation at university locations. International experts have developed standards to serve as guidelines for universities. These standards take a holistic view of health and encompass physical, mental and social well-being as well as social responsibility and sustainability. In recent years, 133 universities worldwide have already been awarded the label.

These are the FISU World University Games

The World University Games are an international multi-sport event that has been held every two years since 1959 and is organised by the Fédération Internationale du Sport Universitaire (FISU for short). They take place alternately with the sport-specific student world championships. Sports represented in 2025 are: 3x3 basketball, 3x3 wheelchair basketball, badminton, basketball, beach volleyball, archery, fencing, gymnastics, judo, athletics, rhythmic gymnastics, rowing, swimming, taekwondo, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, water polo and water jumping.

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