Honour to whom honour is due: University ball crowns graduation ceremonies

11.11.2024|09:02 Uhr

When the doors of the historic Stadthalle opened to dance enthusiasts on Saturday evening, almost 1000 graduates from 8 faculties of the University of Wuppertal had received their diplomas in 11 ceremonial receptions over two days - an unforgettable experience for them, their families and friends!

A total of 2,300 guests enjoyed the stage programme, the festive atmosphere, the wealth of musical entertainment and dancing opportunities at this year's University Ball. // Photos Malte Reiter (www.malte-reiter.de)

"The reactions not only of our former students, but above all of their families and friends present to the impressive, festive setting of this long-awaited event are sometimes overwhelming," says Stefanie Schitteck from the University of Wuppertal, describing her recurring annual impressions. For the experienced event expert at the University of Wuppertal, it is a tightrope act every year to meticulously coordinate the 11 parallel celebrations of the individual faculties. The start at 9 a.m. was followed by receptions of very different lengths. "Different numbers and lengths of welcoming speeches - this year even with Mojib Latif -, widely varying numbers of participants ranging from 20 to 230 graduates per faculty and a champagne reception at the end of each event ensure different time requirements," explains the expert. An effort that the University of Wuppertal examines every year and is nevertheless convinced that it is worth it!

University of Wuppertal honours its graduates in a unique setting

Many of her graduates are the first in their family to study at university. But even for offspring from academic families, the success of such a stage in life is by no means a matter of course, says Rector Prof Dr Birgitta Wolff, explaining the University of Wuppertal's decision to hold the event in the Historische Stadthalle - and for the 19th time. "Graduates and, in most cases, their families have been working towards this day for years: to be asked on stage by name during a ceremony to receive their degree certificate. It is important to us to offer them all a wonderful setting for this unique event that they will never forget," says the rector. And twice over! Because most of them returned to the magnificent location on the Johannisberg for the university ball in the evening: this time in evening gowns or suits to celebrate their achievements with family, friends and guests.

University ball once again the highlight of the Bergisch ball season

Together with other party-goers from the Bergisches Land region, a total of 2,300 guests enjoyed the stage programme, the festive atmosphere, the wealth of musical entertainment and dance options - from the slow waltz to a club atmosphere. The ball was opened by Rector Prof Dr Birgitta Wolff; the wide-ranging repertoire of Günther Matern and his dance orchestra attracted all dance enthusiasts to the dance floor with standard, Latin, discofox, rock'n'roll and salsa. Indispensable again this year: "4 to the bar" with their South American mix of jazz and dance music. DJ Jul Davis and "DEEJAY plus" also created a real club atmosphere with their combination of DJ and live music.

The dance breaks were once again filled by high-calibre show acts from the Bergisch region: the UniChor of the university of Wuppertal under the direction of Christoph Spengler, the Wuppertal hip hop dance group and European runners-up "Crewnited" and acrobats Lea Fierke and Evelyn Weinzettl with their act "Pole on Stage". A spontaneous Lindy Hop dance class with the SwingJugend Wuppertal celebrated its premiere this year in the Mahler Saal.

Tombola and casino brought in proceeds for Kindertal

Another highlight for ball participants is always the raffle with around 350 prizes. "It was once again overwhelming to see how willingly well-known large companies, but also small, fine companies and shops supported us with high-quality products and vouchers," said Rector Prof Dr Birgitta Wolff - above all the VK7 cordless hoover from Vorwerk as the main prize. "We would like to say a very special thank you to all our supporters!" This year, Angela Wegener from Radio Wuppertal expressed her thanks for the proceeds of just over 5,900 euros in favour of Kindertal.