TimberConnect research project launched

Digital networking of the timber construction industry

04.07.2024|13:33 Uhr

In order to promote climate and resource-friendly construction, scientists at the University of Wuppertal are working on optimising digital processes along the supply chain for timber components in their "TimberConnect" research project. Their aim is to generate digital product passports, among other things.

The research project aims to strengthen networking between the various players in the value chain for timber components. // Photo Colourbox

This is to be achieved with the help of the Internet of Things. This networks everyday objects or industrial machines via the internet. This allows them to communicate online and perform tasks fully automatically. With "TimberConnect", the researchers want to establish data consistency that forms the basis for optimised processes and overarching collaboration.

To this end, the project team will be working until 2027 to improve networking between the various players in the timber component value chain. The aim is to develop an industry-specific digital product passport that summarises data on components, materials and chemical substances as well as information on repairability, spare parts and proper disposal.

"The data consistency created in this way should form the basis for greater transparency, more efficient processes and new digital business models," explains Prof Dr Anica Meins-Becker from the Department of Digital Design, Construction and Operation at the University of Wuppertal. As project coordinator, the department is working in a consortium with other scientists from the university as well as the European EPC Competence Centre GmbH, BAUES WUNDER Lambertz & Friesdorf Beratende Ingenieure PartGmbB and Prause Holzbauplanung GmbH & Co KG. The project is supported by the European Union and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with total eligible expenditure totalling 1.14 million euros.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anica Meins-Becker
Teaching and Research Area Digital Design, Construction and Operation
Phone 0202/439-4109
Email a.meins-becker[at]uni-wuppertal.de



"TimberConnect" won the "Energie.IN.NRW" innovation competition. Advancing climate protection and the energy transition - this is possible with the broad application of technologies that are already available today. At the same time, further innovations are needed to develop the energy system of the future, climate-neutral industry and climate- and resource-friendly buildings. North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union are now supporting 22 projects with a total of around 42 million euros.

The projects selected by an independent evaluation committee range from projects for the improved use of hydrogen to the development of new and efficient battery storage systems and solar cells to the resource-saving planning and construction of buildings. The competition is being organised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs together with the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of the Environment.