Skilled labour offensive
Bergisches Schul-Technikum receives funding for young scientists and engineers

BeST Director Sarah-Lena Debus (left) and Prof Dr Anton Kummert (right) from the University of Wuppertal accepted the funding decision from NRW Minister Ina Brandes. // Photo MKW NRW/ Caroline Seidel
A total of twelve zdi networks from the administrative district of Düsseldorf receive funding. They focus on extracurricular programmes in the subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, or STEM for short. The "Brand strengthening of the zdi centre BeST" project uses the funding to tap into new target groups, involve small and micro enterprises more closely and further expand communication work.
Minister Ina Brandes: "In North Rhine-Westphalia, we have created the largest network in Europe with over 100 zdi labs to get young people interested in technical professions. In zdi student labs, scientific phenomena literally become 'understandable'. Dedicated and experienced experts get young people interested in technical contexts for which there is often a lack of time and resources in everyday school life."
You can read more about the presentation of the certificates in the zdi portal blog.
Background zdi networks
Zukunft durch Innovation.NRW (zdi.NRW) is Europe's largest network for the promotion of young STEM talent with over 5,000 partnerships from science, business, schools, politics and society.