Education for sustainable development
University of Wuppertal networks teacher training stakeholders in nationwide OER project

As part of the educational concept "Education for Sustainable Development", pupils should learn to understand the impact of their actions on the environment, society and the economy and to make responsible decisions for a sustainable future. // Photo Colourbox
The joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) aims to create learning units on ESD-relevant topics, such as climate change or sustainable nutrition, for the second phase of teacher training, i.e. the preparatory service in schools (traineeship). Existing learning units (see: are to be further developed and evaluated for this purpose. These learning units will be made available as Open Educational Resources (OER) in order to make them widely accessible. Once the project has been completed, the OER developed will be published on freely accessible platforms.
Another aim of the project is to establish so-called Open Educational Practices (OEP; see box for more information), which promote collaboration and open exchange within teachertraining. Through close cooperation between universities and centres for practical teacher training (ZfsL) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt, the project aims to make a significant contribution to strengthening and networking the existing OER and ESD communities throughout Germany.
About the project:
The project "Participatory design of OER and OEP in the second phase of teacher training- using the example of education for sustainable development" (OERLe for short) is being funded for three years (05/2024 to 04/2027) as part of the OER strategy of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the OE_COM funding line. In addition to the University of Wuppertal(Didactics of Sachunterricht), which is the consortium leader of the project, the University of Cologne(Institute for Geography Didactics), the University of Potsdam(Geographical Education working group) and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg(Didactics of Geography working group) are also involved in the project.