
Bergische Uni awards publication prize for the first time

20.06.2024|10:00 Uhr

Only when academics publish their research findings can society access them, other researchers can discuss them and build on them. In order to recognise particularly successful work by its academics, the University of Wuppertal has created a publication award. The first two winners are Birte Boes and Elisabeth Badenhoop. They will each receive 6,000 euros.

Publications make findings accessible to a wider audience: since this year, the University of Wuppertal has been awarding prizes for outstanding publications // Photos (3) Colourbox

"Scientists strive to gain knowledge and to disseminate their research as widely as possible. That means publishing. The University of Wuppertal has now honoured two publications from 2023 that are examples of our outstanding publication achievements, redefine their respective fields and will leave a strong footprint," explains Prof. Dr Stefan F. Kirsch, Vice-Rector for Research and Digital Affairs at the University of Wuppertal and member of the jury. In the first round of the competition, 42 researchers applied with their publications.

Tear-resistant? Resilient? Whether in the packaging or construction industry, it is important to know the properties of paper in order to be able to use it optimally and for as long as possible.

The award winners

Birte Boes is a research assistant at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering in the Computational Applied Mechanics department under Prof Dr Jaan-Willem Simon. In 2023, she published an article in the journal "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering", which is one of the most renowned journals in the specialist community. The content of her work deals with a new, innovative material modelling of paper. Although paper has been used for over 2000 years, its properties are still largely unknown due to its complex microstructure. In order to be able to use it reliably as a building material in the future, we need to understand how it reacts to very different types of stress. Birte Boes has developed a special mathematical model that not only provides reliable explanations and predictions for paper and cardboard, but can also be applied to other materials with similar properties.

"With this work, the young researcher Birte Boes has delivered an excellent scientific achievement. At the same time, her results promote an ecological, resource-conserving, cycle-orientated and sustainable rethinking of the use of renewable materials," was the jury's verdict.

Who knows? - Naturalisation means proving yourself and overcoming hurdles. The process quickly becomes a competition.

Elisabeth Badenhoop is a junior-professor of sociology in the school of human and social sciences. She researches the sociology, regulation and organisation of migration and citizenship, climate change and digitalisation. She was honoured for her book "Calling for the Super Citizen", which was published in 2023 in the internationally recognised "Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series". In it, she examines the interaction between migrants and state actors in naturalisation procedures in two of the most important European immigration countries, Germany and the UK. By analysing a comprehensive, innovative data set, Elisabeth Badenhoop shows for the first time how state actors use the various requirements and hurdles of the naturalisation process to impose expectations on migrants to constantly optimise their self-image and behaviour and align them with the fictitious ideal of the "super citizen". In addition to the integration of migrants through their legal and political equality, naturalisation procedures in liberal democracies thus simultaneously create new hierarchies and competition between immigrants, naturalised citizens and natives.

"Thanks to its wealth of material and its in-depth analyses, the book is both a challenging and exciting social science read. But it is also an important contribution to the current social discourse and to a critical self-reflection of the receiving countries - in their divergence of demands on the immigrants and on themselves," said the jury.

Background to the prize

The publication prize can be awarded to anyone who has published as a scientist at the University of Wuppertal in the previous calendar year. The prizes are endowed with 6,000 euros each, whereby the awards can be earmarked for research or the publication of research results. The jury consisted of the Carnap Senior Professors, the Vice-Rector for Sustainable Organisational Development and Diversity and the Vice-Rector for Research and Digital Affairs.

One click: The award-winning publications

Next deadline: 31 December 2024

Recommendations and self-applications with the original publication published in the calendar year 2024 and a short justification (maximum one page) can be submitted to the Vice-Rector for Research and Digital Affairs via the email address referentinfd[at]uni-wuppertal.de by 31 December 2024. Further information on the current call for applications will follow at the end of the year.

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