"We - Together for Oberbilk"
Start of registration for an exchange and learning programme to improve the relationship between the police, public order office and the public

The EQAL project aims to improve trust in the police and law enforcement agencies. //Photo Colourbox
"Trust in the security and regulatory authorities is important for our work and social coexistence. We therefore hope that the exchange and learning programme will help us to create more understanding for our work and, through dialogue with citizens, find out how we can further strengthen public trust in our work," says Wolfgang Lukoschat, Head of the Public Order and Service Department (OSD). The new programme is planned as an interactive workshop format designed to promote a constructive exchange between the police, OSD and citizens in the Düsseldorf-Oberbilk district. By providing insights into the work of the police and the municipal public order service and exchanging views on the expectations and needs of the population, the aim is to break down prejudices and promote mutual understanding.
The programme is being implemented as part of the "EQAL" project, which is coordinated by the University of Wuppertal and aims to help improve the relationship of trust between the police, public order office and citizens. Düsseldorf Police Headquarters and the Public Order Office are partners in the project and have supported the planning and implementation of the exchange and learning programme from the outset. Contact persons from the police and OSD working in the Oberbilk district will therefore also take part in all sessions of the programme and enter into an exchange with the population.
When and where?
The exchange and learning programme comprises a total of five thematic sessions, which will take place every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. from 10 September. Anyone who lives or works in Oberbilk and is actively involved in the district can take part in the programme. Participation is free of charge. "We hope that many citizens will be interested in the programme and take the opportunity to talk to us about their experiences and needs," says Thorsten Fleiß, head of the Mitte police station.
An information event will be held in advance on 14 August from 6 pm to clarify any unanswered questions. The venue for the programme and the information event is Halle 72 in Oberbilk.
"We are looking forward to the exchange with the citizens and hope to receive many registrations," continues Thorsten Fleiß. Anyone interested in taking the opportunity to actively participate in shaping a constructive dialogue in the Oberbilk district and gain valuable insights into the work of the authorities can register for the programme now via the project website.
Registration and further information at https://eqal.uni-wuppertal.de/de/anmeldung/
Event details:
Exchange and learning programme: 10 September to 8 October, every Tuesday from 6 to 9 p.m.
Information event: 14 August, 6 pm
Venue: Halle 72, Linienstr. 72, Düsseldorf-Oberbilk
The EQAL project
The project "Development of a neighbourhood-based exchange and learning programme to promote mutual understanding between police, public order services and urban society (EQAL)" is dedicated to the exchange between police, public order services and citizens at a municipal level in order to implement targeted and problem-oriented innovative formats for citizen-oriented police work. The researchers at the University of Wuppertal are receiving funding from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and the state capital Düsseldorf.