"Things Fall Apart" - Alfredo Jaar speaks at the Kunsthalle Barmen

Guest in Wuppertal on 21 November: Alfredo Jaar // Photo Andrea Rego Barros

One of the two works by Alfredo Jaar in the Kunsthalle Barmen // Photo Sigurd Steinprinz, university of Wuppertal
Alfredo Jaar, who lives in New York, is considered one of the most uncompromising and important artists of our time. His artistic work is shown in the most important institutions and in public spaces all over the world. He has participated several times in the Venice and Sao Paulo Biennials and documenta.
He is represented in the exhibition Shared Spaces at the Kunsthalle Barmen with two neon installations. "Be Afraid Of The Enormity Of The Possible" is illuminated on the facade. The quote by Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran offers a variety of possible interpretations: as a warning or as a reminder of our responsibility for our actions and inactions. At the Kunsthalle Barmen, the lettering also announces its programme, which believes in the power of art to change society.
Further information on the Kunsthalle Barmen: www.kunsthallebarmen.de