Award ceremony

Young academics can look forward to 10,000 euros

18.12.2024|14:00 Uhr

The Friends and Alumni Association of the University of Wuppertal (FABU) is once again honouring graduates for their outstanding thesis and dissertations. The proud winners have already been informed; on 21 January 2025 at 6 p.m., they will receive their awards, which come with prizes worth a total of 10,000 euros, in a ceremony at the Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal (Islandufer 15). The Stella Baum Art Prize and the DAAD Prize for International Students will also be presented there. The event is open to the public and can be attended without prior registration.

On 21 January 2025, FABU will honour this year's young talent and doctoral award winners. // Photo Colourbox

The four FABU doctoral prizes were funded by the Thomas Meyer Foundation. The first prize - worth 2,000 euros - goes to Elisabeth Koch. Franziska Hörner, Max Julian Bondorf and Annkathrin Sonder were awarded three second prizes, each worth 1,000 euros.

  • Food chemist Elisabeth Koch impressed the jury with her dissertation "Occurrence and formation of oxidised fatty acids in edible oils and their use as novel parameters to evaluate oil quality and authenticity", with which she was able to make a significant contribution to a better understanding of the chemical changes in edible oils during production, processing and storage.
  • Biologist Franziska Hörner 's doctoral thesis "The Importance of Family Bonds and Their Impact on Social Behaviour of African Elephants. An Analysis of Loxodonta africana's Olfaction, Greeting Behaviour, Holding Systems, and in situ vs. ex situ Living Calves" on the social bonds and behaviour of zoo elephants. In her work, she succeeds in clarifying key aspects of the conditions for animal-friendly husbandry and bringing together important "players" for implementation.
  • Electrical engineer Max Julian Bondorf completed his doctorate on the subject of "Condition assessment of medium and low-voltage cable networks using broadband powerline communication". His thesis is dedicated to a timely and economically relevant topic in the field of energy supply systems. He pursues an innovative idea for recording the condition of cables and translates it into a practical system.
  • As part of her dissertation "Rose Ausländer's unpublished estate poems. Critical Edition and Interpretation", Annkathrin Sonder developed and realised an innovative, specially adapted concept according to current editorial standards for a book edition of 64 previously unpublished poems from the estate of the Jewish poet Rose Ausländer.

FABU also awards three prizes to outstanding graduates - donated by Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal. Jacqueline Owczorz will be honoured with the first prize of 2,000 euros. Two second prizes - each worth 1,500 euros - go to Antonin Königsfeld and Lisa Wunsch.

  • Jacqueline Owczorz, a graduate of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, examines the challenges and problem areas of the critical transition process for family businesses from a company-related perspective as well as from the overarching perspective of external management consultants in her Master's thesis "The generational change in family businesses". Among other things, she derives recommendations for the design of a consulting programme.
  • Industrial engineer Antonin Königsfeld receives the Young Talent Award for his bachelor's thesis "Investigation of XAI methods for quality prediction in arc welding using discrete representations of a vector quantised variational autoencoder". In it, he deals with real-time capable and cost-efficient methods for checking the quality of weld seams in the welding process, thereby contributing valuable findings to an important field of modern industrial production.
  • Another FABU Young Talent Award goes to Lisa Wunsch from the Sociology department, which she received for her Bachelor's thesis "Does Specialisation Matter? Analysing the Link Between Research Focus and Academic Career Advancement". Taking German sociology as a case study, she uses an innovative combination of methods to investigate the question of whether specialisation in a particular subject area promotes career success in academia.

As part of the official award ceremony, Prof Katja Pfeiffer, Dean of the School of Art and Design, will also present the Stella Baum Art Prize. It enables art students to present their work to a wider audience and is awarded by the university's rectorate with the support of the Friends and Alumni Association of the University of Wuppertal (FABU).

This year's DAAD prize goes to Ludrila Ingrid Kouam Tuedem (link to press release). The business mathematics student is about to complete her Bachelor's degree and is involved in voluntary work, including providing free tutoring.

Note for the editorial team

For further information and to contact individual award winners, please contact the university press office.

Podcast with the award winners

Already heard? The award winners provide exciting insights into their research topics in the BUW podcast "Ausgezeichnet". As guests of presenter Anne MacDonald, they not only report on the results, but also tell us what fascinates them about their topics, how their research topic has developed in everyday university life and what contribution they are making to the current challenges of our time. And along the way, they also reveal a little about themselves. It's worth listening in: the seven episodes will be released one after the other on Fridays from 3 January 2025 and can be found on the Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music platforms.

More about FABU e.V.

The Friends and Alumni of the University of Wuppertal (FABU) is an interdisciplinary association that forms a strong network for the more than 21,500 students, alumni, members and partners of the University of Wuppertal. The association supports a wide range of projects at the University of Wuppertal and sees itself as a bridge between research and business. Further information - including membership - can be found on the FABU website.

Contact press office

Marylen Reschop

Phone 0202/439-5632
E-mail reschop[at]

Website Press Office

Contact person for the topic

Stefanie Schitteck

Alumni Relations
Phone 0202/439-2819
E-mail fabu[at]