Well-organised study orientation
Around 50 teachers from the Bergisch city-triangle and the district of Mettmann accepted the invitation of the central student guidance and…
Well-organised study orientation
Around 50 teachers from the Bergisch city-triangle and the district of Mettmann accepted the invitation of the central student guidance and…
Well-organised study orientation
Felix Strieth-Kalthoff is the new Junior Professor of Digital Chemistry at the University of Wuppertal. He develops AI-supported tools that can be…
Improving processes in chemistry labs with AI tools
The impact-oriented mentoring programme (see below for more information) came to an end in mid-September with a pitch event at Freiraum, the start-up…
Female founders present innovative and sustainable business ideas
From 30 September to 2 October, around 100 experts from science and industry will come together at the University of Wuppertal to share the latest…
All-rounder with potential: paper in the focus of science
Cooking with the rector - under this motto, numerous guests from the Bergisch economy came together yesterday at the Vorwerk Innovation Centre and…
Supporters of the university visit Vorwerk
From 16 to 18 October, an anniversary conference in Prague, organised with the participation of the University of Wuppertal, will be dedicated to the…
Wuppertal doctoral student organises Kafka conference in Prague
The Johannes Rau Centre at the university of Wuppertal was officially opened in July 2022. A key part of the centre, which has since been used for…
Public guided tours start at the Johannes Rau Centre - registrations now open
Exciting races, close finals and a unique atmosphere at the 2024 German Speed Climbing Championships: Germany's fastest speed athletes came together…
BUW student Franziska Ritter once again German speed climbing champion
The team from the music education department at the university of Wuppertal is looking for performers for a new musical project. Students and…
Clear the stage: Actors wanted for musical project
Gregor Christa is the new Professor of Zoology - Evolution and Biodiversity at the University of Wuppertal. One of his main areas of research is the…
Expand understanding of photosymbioses