Leisure activities for international students

Leisure activities for international students

In cooperation with the International Students Team Wuppertal (I.S.T.), the International Office offers a cultural event series for international students. The programme is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service and the Federal Foreign Office..


The excursion programme of the International Office in Wintersemester 2024/25:


04.10.2024, 11-12:30 a.m. City tour of Wuppertal with English-speaking guide https://www.nrw-tourismus.de/staedte/wuppertal
13 Oct. 2024, 9:15 a.m. Drachenfels: Tour of Drachenburg Castle and cruise on the Rhine from Königswinter to Bonn https://www.drachenfelsbahn.de/
19 Oct. 2024, 11:30 a.m. Brückensteig - The via ferrata on the Müngsten Bridge in Wuppertal https://www.brueckensteig.de/
24.10.2024, 19:30 Pina Bausch Tanztheater: dress rehearsal Victor, Wuppertal Opera House https://www.pina-bausch.de/de/plays/29/viktor
27 Oct. 2024, 11 a.m. Symphony concert: Symphonie fantastique (Mozart/Berlioz), Stadthalle https://www.stadthalle.de/de/events/programm/id/13197/
31.10.2024, 19:30 Goethe Faust, Theatre am Engelsgarten https://www.schauspiel-wuppertal.de/spielplan/detailansicht-auffuehrung/faust/4900


01.11.2024, 6 pm America Symphony Concert of the University of Dance and Music, Stadthalle Wuppertal https://www.hfmt-koeln.de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/01-11-2023-sinfoniekonzert-junge-talente-2/
09.11.2024, evening Uniball of the University of Wuppertal, Stadthalle Wuppertal https://www.uniballwuppertal.de/
17 Nov. 2024, 11 a.m. Symphony concert: Mahler, followed by a guided tour in English, https://www.stadthalle.de/de/events/programm/id/13199/
17.11.2024, 6 pm Sophie Scholl, Theatre am Engelsgarten https://www.wuppertal-live.de/517108
23.11.2024, 1 pm Gasometer Oberhausen exhibition "Planet Ocean" with guided tour in English and shopping tour Centro Oberhausen https://www.gasometer.de/de/ausstellungen/planet-ozean


8 Dec. 2024, 5 p.m. Christmas market Hattingen https://www.hattingen-tourismus.de/events/weihnachtsmarkt-hattingen-altstadt/
15 Dec. 2024, 11 a.m. Berg/Bruckner symphony concert, Stadthalle Wuppertal https://www.sinfonieorchester-wuppertal.de/konzerte/detailansicht-auffuehrung/dem-andenken-eines-engels/4741
24.12.2024 Christmas dinner of the ESG/KHG http://www.esg-wuppertal.de/

Further offers

The International Students Team Wuppertal (I.S.T.) is an association of students at the University of Wuppertal, which offers a wide range of joint activities and a buddy programme designed to strengthen cohesion among students and create synergies.

All information about the International Students Team and its events can be found on the homepage of the I.S.T. Wuppertal. In addition, the I.S.T. also provides information about its events and other dates via its social media channels on Facebook and Instagram.

The four church institutions (ESG and KHG) at Bergische Universität Wuppertal work together to offer various daytime and evening events for students. For example, joint dinners, beer tastings or console evenings take place, as well as joint cooking or baking, visits to the Christmas market and other activities. Depending on the current Corona-related restrictions, events take place either in person or online.

You can find the actual programme of the current semester on the homepage.

The individual halls of residence celebrate individual parties and ensure that the students get together in a social atmosphere. These are organised by the residence hall tutors. The tutors share all events, dates and useful tips on their Instagram account and their Facebook account.

The General Students' Committee of the University of Wuppertal ("AStA"), represents the interests of the students at the university. All information about the work of the ASTA can be found on its homepage.

The AStA regularly organises parties, e.g. pub quizzes, cocktail parties, shot nights and much more. Just follow the AStA on its social media channels via Instagram and Facebook.