From campus to the world of work - career workshop for international students

29.01.2025|16:58 Uhr

In order to identify the specific challenges and needs of international students at the University of Wuppertal (BUW) with regard to their career planning and transition to working life in the region, the Career Service and the International Center organised a practice-oriented workshop in cooperation with Wuppertal-based Workstadt GmbH on 18 January 2025. Entitled "From Campus to Career - Workshop for International Students in STEM", the event was aimed specifically at STEM students of all semesters.

The participants reflected the cultural and academic diversity of BUW: 15 students from Togo, Cameroon, Brazil, Turkey, India, Bangladesh, Iran, Indonesia, Ukraine and Vietnam took part in the workshop. There was also a broad spectrum in terms of fields of study and academic progress: in addition to numerous students from the Computer Simulation in Science programme, representatives from Electrical Engineering, Business Mathematics, Smart Materials and Systems and Sustainable Chemistry were also present. The group was made up of first-year Bachelor's students, advanced Master's students and doctoral candidates.


Challenges and solutions
The event focussed on gaining a deeper understanding of the perspectives of international students: What hurdles do they face on their path from university to a career? What goals are they pursuing for their academic and professional future?

A central topic was the multiple burdens that many of the students are confronted with: In addition to the academic requirements of their degree programme, they navigate through a higher education system that is often still unfamiliar to them, want to improve their German language skills and at the same time find a part-time job or internship in order to gain both financial security and practical experience for their career entry. A common experience of many participants was dealing with rejections and a lack of feedback on applications or job interviews.

Targeted solutions were developed during the workshop: These included identifying companies that allow English as a working language and actively practise it. They also discussed how a working student activity could be recognised as a mandatory internship, as many students have difficulties finding short-term internships.


Support services offered by the BUW
Under the umbrella brand "In Touch", the BUW already offers a comprehensive range of services to support international students on their path to a career, including through these organisations:

  • Language Teaching Institute: German courses for all levels (face-to-face and online formats, intensive courses, study preparation and support, also in the evening); blended learning format Deutsch@work
  • Central student guidance and counselling services: workshops on self-management and stress management, individual counselling on intercultural challenges and psychological stress
  • Career Service: company excursions, company presentations on campus, Recruiting Day for networking with local companies and application photo shoots
  • International Office / In Touch programme: Buddy programme, welcome events, workshops on topics such as employability and skills profiling


Prospects for the future
Following the workshop, the organisational team from Workstadt GmbH, the Career Service and the BUW International Centre will evaluate the results. The aim is to specifically identify those needs for which no or only inadequate programmes exist to date. These findings are to be incorporated into the further development of existing products and services in order to provide international students with even better support in their professional orientation. The aim is to ensure that they do not feel left alone with their questions and challenges and are optimally prepared for a professional future in the region.


Background information FIT for Career - In Touch Wuppertal

In developing support structures and career services for its international target groups, the University of Wuppertal (BUW) takes a holistic, overarching approach in the phases of study orientation, study preparation, specialised studies and transition to a career, with a focus on opening up perspectives that arise from knowledge acquired abroad for studying and working. Through active knowledge transfer and intensive cooperation with partners in business and society, the BUW has an excellent regional network from which students, graduates and founders alike benefit.

The "FIT for Career" project at the University of Wuppertal supports international STEM students in their studies and careers. It offers peer tutoring, language and key skills training, internships and pathways into the labour market. Embedded in the "In Touch Wuppertal" umbrella brand and supported by a strong partner network at the university and in the city, the project strengthens the regional skilled labour base. "In Touch Career" primarily addresses STEM subject areas, in which 72% of international BUW students are enrolled in a large number of technically oriented degree programmes and where the greatest demand for skilled workers currently exists. The regional reference area is the Bergisches Land, an important business location with around 35,000 registered companies and international appeal. From 2024-2028, the project will be funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of "FIT - Förderung internationaler Talente zur Integration in Studium und Arbeitsmarkt".


Further information can be found at


International Centre

Andrea Bieck, Head of International Office
Phone: +49 (0)202 / 439 - 2181
Email: bieck[at]

Victoria Grimm, Head of UniService International
Phone: +49 (0)202 / 439 - 5706
E-mail: vgrimm[at]


UniService Third Mission
Dr Anja Kluge
Phone: +49 (0)202 / 439 - 3076