New Student Service Centre has opened

05.05.2022|16:06 Uhr

Since Wednesday, 4 May 2022, the new Student Service Centre at the Grifflenberg Campus has officially opened its doors and offers students and prospective students a contact point for many topics.

The Student Service Centre (SSC) is located on the main campus Grifflenberg directly at the main entrance building G.08.16.

Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday 09.00 - 15.00 hrs
Friday 09.00 - 13.00

It is not necessary to make an appointment in advance for brief consultations and administrative matters.

The SSC provides information on a wide range of issues related to student life: from application and enrolment, to changing subjects, examinations and stays abroad, to graduation and exmatriculation.

The SSC staff will advise you on the procedure, help you find and fill out the correct application forms, check them for completeness, accept them and provide you with help and advice while they are being processed.

You can find all the Student Service Centre's offers here.