"From Wuppertal to the world": Successful International Day at the University of Wuppertal

Students find out about studying abroad at the International Day at the University of Wuppertal on 20 November 2024
Once again, the International Day, organised by employees of the University of Wuppertal's International Center, took place on the Grifflenberg campus. A stay abroad is more than just a milestone in the course of your studies. Taking the plunge means more than just getting to know foreign countries and cultures and developing both professionally and personally: "A stay abroad is a step that takes you out of your comfort zone and allows you to grow personally. The courage to face the unknown will not only characterise you as an individual, but will also make you open-minded, flexible and competent professionals. If you take the opportunity to study or complete an internship abroad, you will develop the ability to move confidently in intercultural contexts, improve your language skills and master unfamiliar situations," said Prof Dr Peter Gust, Vice-Rector for Third Mission and International Affairs, in his opening address to the students.
Many interested students came to the foyer of Building K to find out about stays abroad at 16 stands. More than 200 individual consultations took place at these stands with BUW representatives, e.g. the International Center, the Language Teaching Institute and the faculties. Organisations such as the Pedagogical Exchange Service and GOstralia-GOmerica! were also represented. Advice was provided across faculties and countries on studying abroad and internships with a focus on organisation, funding and recognition. Conversations with students revealed that these talks had provided a good idea of how international mobility could be realised. In addition, the counselling sessions have provided reassurance and security in knowing that they now have contact persons who are available to answer questions.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to help the BUW students on this day. The International Day serves as a building block for the long-term international networking of the BUW and building a bridge "from the Wupper to the world".
In times of increasing globalisation, the importance of international mobility is growing: many employers value graduates who have gained experience abroad, as they have acquired intercultural competencies and soft skills in addition to language skills. The BUW International Center has been organising advisory formats for many years in order to inform students about the many enriching possibilities of a study-related stay abroad and the corresponding funding opportunities and to provide advice. The International Day took place for the first time in 2008 and will be repeated every year after a break due to the pandemic.
Contact for enquiries
International Centre
Marcela Oelsner
Phone: 0202 439 5140
E-mail: teamoutgoing@uni-wuppertal.de
Internet: https://www.uni-wuppertal.de/de/internationales/auslandsmobilitaet/