DAAD announces new funding programmes

Project-based exchange programmes with Turkey and Greece
The aim is to initiate or intensify binational partnership-based research research activities between a German and a foreign university or research institution in order to research institution in order to strengthen scientific relations. The qualification of The programme attaches particular importance to the qualification of young academics. The programme promotes mobility and short-term stays for the exchange of project participants from the participating partner institutions, in particular young academics, for research activities in all disciplines. The application deadline varies depending on the target country.
Further information: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/programme-der-projektfoerderung/detail/ppp-joint-research-bilateral-collaboration/?pfp-id=57299799
Study trips for groups of foreign students in Germany
The aim of study trips (university visits) is to impart subject-related knowledge and gain an insight into economic, political and cultural life in Germany. Funding is available for study trips to at least two German universities for up to 15 foreign students (from the 2nd semester, registered graduates, in exceptional cases doctoral students) accompanied by a university lecturer for a maximum of 12 days. Foreign universities are eligible to apply. The application deadline varies depending on the target period.
Further information: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/programme-der-projektfoerderung/detail/studienreisen-fuer-gruppen-auslaendischer-studierender/?pfp-id=50014808
Study internships for groups of foreign students in Germany
Study internships in higher education (e.g. specialist courses, block seminars, workshops) at the invitation of the German higher education institution provide subject-related knowledge and insights into the economic, political and cultural life in Germany. Funding is available for study internships at the invitation of a German university for up to 15 foreign students (from the 2nd semester, registered graduates, in exceptional cases doctoral students) accompanied by a university lecturer for a maximum of 12 days. The application deadline varies depending on the target period.
Fact Finding Missions
The aim of the Fact Finding Missions programme is to prepare a longer-term and contractually and contractually bound cooperation between German universities and universities in developing countries at departmental or institute level, which is aimed at structural improvement at the partner universities. Funding will be provided for fact-finding trips by specialist delegations from German universities to establish contact with potential foreign cooperation partners in developing countries.
Application deadline: 26.11.2024
Ta'ziz Partnership Short Measures
The aim of the Ta'ziz short measures is to initiate, intensify, expand and/or consolidate cooperation and knowledge exchange between the participating universities and non-university stakeholders, primarily from Tunisia, Sudan, Lebanon and Iraq, but also Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Libya and Morocco as well as Germany in the areas of teaching, research, university management and/or transfer. Further objectives are the acquisition of (inter-)disciplinary and/or administrative skills by students, teachers, (junior) academics and/or university management staff and the implementation of concepts and/or (knowledge) products for teaching, research and/or reform processes in the field of university management that correspond to the local context and the state of the art. Funding is available for fact-finding missions, the exchange of students and doctoral candidates, teachers, (early career) researchers, professors and/or university management staff as part of a short measure, (digital) events such as further education/training, workshops, summer/winter schools, meetings, conferences and the development of concepts and/or (knowledge) products for teaching, research and/or university management. The involvement of Germany alumnae and alumni is welcomed.
Application deadline: 29.11.2024 and 30.05.2025
Further information: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/programme-der-projektfoerderung/detail/taziz-partnerschaft-kurzmassnahmen/?pfp-id=57660897
Support measures at German universities in the scholarship programme Combined study and practical placements for engineers from developing countries (KOSPIE) - Tunisia
The aim of the programme is to contribute to the sustainable development of the programme countries by providing practice-oriented training for specialists and managers from emerging and developing countries. Ideally, the former beneficiaries of the programme should later work in areas relevant to development and thus contribute to strengthening the private (and/or public) sector in their home countries. Funding is provided for the socio-cultural and professional support and language training of young Tunisian master's/diploma students in engineering (including with a focus on green engineering) and computer science from state and state-recognised universities in Tunisia who have successfully completed a large part of their studies, are writing their final thesis and are additionally supervised in Germany during their six-month research stay in Germany.
Application deadline: 29.11.2024
Further information: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/programme-der-projektfoerderung/detail/kospie-tunesien/?pfp-id=57763297
Funding for international guest lecturers to teach at German universities from winter semester 2025/26
The programme aims to promote the internationalisation of German universities and strengthen the international dimension in teaching. Funding is available for guest visits by international university lecturers from all countries and all subjects.
Application deadline: 15.01.2025
Further information on funding line I: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/programme-der-projektfoerderung/detail/gastdozentenprogramm/?pfp-id=50014795
French guest lectureships to promote degree programmes with a connection to France
The focus is on strengthening the Franco-German exchange of university lecturers and the internationalisation of teaching in degree programmes with a proven connection to France. Funding is available for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of courses taught by individual French lecturers (minimum stay of three to a maximum of six months).
Application deadline: 15.01.2025
Further information on funding line II: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/programme-der-projektfoerderung/detail/gastdozentenprogramm/?pfp-id=50014795
Leonhard Euler Programme
The aim of the programme is to (further) qualify students and young academics from all disciplines in terms of subject and/or methodology and to expand international educational and research cooperation. The programme supports combined study and research visits by diploma/master's students and doctoral candidates from universities in the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia) at the home university (sur place) and at the partner university in Germany for the realisation of their diploma/master's and doctoral theses. Applications may be submitted by state and state-recognised German universities as well as non-university research institutions based in Germany that are recognised as non-profit and conduct their own research and have proven academic links with a university in the above-mentioned countries.
Application deadline: 27.01.2025
Further information: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/programme-der-projektfoerderung/detail/leonhard-euler-programm/?pfp-id=50014829
Partnerships with universities in East-Central, South-East and Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia (Eastern Partnerships)
The programme makes a long-term contribution to the development and expansion of specialist and country/region-specific/expertise as well as to the establishment and expansion of international teaching and research research collaborations and to strengthen academic relations between Germany and the target countries. Germany and the target countries. In addition, the programme contributes to the internationalisation of the participating universities and the establishment of internationally networked and efficient universities. The programme funds trips by German and foreign university lecturers, senior university staff, assistants, researchers, students, graduates and doctoral candidates to partner universities and visits to German universities for study, research and teaching purposes (including internships).
Application deadline: 28.02.2025
Further information: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/programme-der-projektfoerderung/detail/ostpartnerschaften/?pfp-id=50014971
Information on all DAAD funding programmes: www.daad.de/projektfoerderung
Interested BUW members seeking support with their application can contact the International Centre.
Andrea Bieck
Head of International Office
0202 439 2181