Information for international job seekers

The university of Wuppertal is a public corporation with legal capacity supported by the state. It is therefore subject to the regulations of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia. Academic staff and technical and administrative staff are paid in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for the Public Service of the Federal States (TV-L).

Salaries are based on pay grade (grouping is based on 15 levels depending on completed professional or academic training) and experience level. An overview can be found in the pay table.

Information from the Federal Ministry for Migration and Refugees:
Studying and working in Germany (eng)

The professorship is categorised into the so-called W levels, where 'W' stands for science. These determine the salary. A distinction is made between W1, W2 and W3 professorships. W2 and W3 positions are normally permanent, regular professorships, whereas W1 positions are not.


W1 professorship (junior professorship / qualification professorship or junior professorship)

Possibility of a first professorship after a successful doctorate.


W2 and W3 professorship

Professors at the W2 and W3 levels are appointed and usually employed as civil servants at universities. These two grades differ in terms of their structure and corresponding remuneration: W2 professorships generally include a teaching assignment, W3 professorships a teaching and research assignment. The W2 and W3 salaries consist of a basic salary, which can be individually supplemented with performance-related bonuses.

Information for interested parties from abroad from 'Research in Germany':

Path to a professorship (eng)

Research assistant positions are usually linked to a chair or institute and involve research and teaching. The prerequisite for this is a university degree, usually at Master's level or equivalent.


Information from the University of Wuppertal:

General information for academic staff

Academic Personnel Development Service Centre

Technical and administrative staff can be employed in all areas of the university and do not have homogeneous recruitment profiles


Information from the University of Wuppertal:

General information

Further information

Information for students

Student assistants (SHK): Students who are enrolled in a Bachelor's degree programme at a German university and work on an hourly basis as an assistant at the university, for example at a faculty:

  • The employment relationship as a SHK ends at the end of the month in which the last examination in the Bachelor's degree programme was taken.
  • Student assistants may be employed for a maximum of 19 hours per week on average.


Research assistants (WHF): Students who are enrolled at a German university in a Master's degree programme or, after completing a Bachelor's degree, in a further Bachelor's degree programme and who work on an hourly basis as an assistant at the university, for example at a faculty:

  • The employment relationship as a WHF ends at the end of the month in which the last examination was taken.
  • Research assistants may be employed for a maximum of 19 hours per week on average.


Research assistants (WHK): Employees who have completed a Magister, Diplom or Master's degree or a state examination and are employed at a university for academic services in research and teaching:

  • In the case of a doctorate, the employment relationship as a WHK ends at the end of the month in which the doctorate was completed.
  • Research assistants must be employed for a minimum of 10 hours per week and a maximum of 19 hours per week on average.


Temporary student employees: Persons who have already had an employment relationship (including SHK and WHK/WHF employment) with the University of Wuppertal.

Special feature: Temporary student employees are categorised in the collective agreement of the public service of the federal states (TV-L). A TV-L calculator can be found here:


You can find more information here:


Conditions for international students:

If you come from a third country and have a residence permit for the purpose of studying (§16b AufenthG), you are normally allowed to work up to 140 full days or 280 half days per year without the approval of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) (see the supplementary sheet to your residence permit for more information for your specific case).


Further general information:

Applicants from the EU, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland

Applicants from these countries may complete a training programme in Germany without a visa or legal requirements. All they need to do is register their new place of residence with the relevant citizens' or residents' registration office.


Applicants from third countries

All applicants from third countries require a visa, which they must apply for at the relevant diplomatic mission in their country. To successfully obtain the visa, the following requirements must be met

  • A training contract already concluded with a company/organisation in Germany
  • The approval of the Federal Employment Agency
  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the stay


Further general information:


Apprenticeships at the BUW: