Waste sorting in Wuppertal

In Germany, all households are required by law to separate their waste. The requirements may differ slightly from federal state to federal state. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the waste is divided into residual waste (black bin), paper waste (blue bin), plastics (yellow bin) and organic waste (brown bin). These are taught by the waste collection service on fixed dates.

Here you can download a detailed table overview on waste separation in several languages.

In addition, the city of Wuppertal offers

  • Bulky waste collection (4 times a year)
  • Drop-off of hazardous materials at the mobile hazardous materials collection in all city districts
  • Acceptance of small electrical appliances and energy-saving light bulbs in Wuppertal's retail shops and at recycling centres
  • Acceptance of large electrical appliances at recycling centres
  • Collection of paper, glass and old clothes via depot containers set up in the city area
  • Collection of Christmas trees

Further information about the waste sorting in Wuppertal can be found here.