Improve German in your studies

There are various options for taking German courses during your studies. A distinction is made between courses for students and courses for exchange students. You can find the courses on offer in the Download Centre on the right.

Furthermore, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has information on its own summer language courses, which are offered within Germany and are designed to help you learn German. DAAD Summer Language Courses

German courses offered by some private language schools in Wuppertal and the surrounding area can be found in the Download Centre on the right.

German C2 Part b: Everyday and Scientific Language (always in the summer semester)

The C2 German course is aimed at international students who want to improve and further develop their German language skills at a high level. If you have already passed the DSH and have already attended seminars and lectures, this course is suitable for you.

The course is part of the C2 module with the modules:

  • Module Part a: German C2: Everyday Language and Professional Language
  • Module Part b: German C2: Everyday Language and Academic Language

These courses are offered alternately in the summer and winter semesters, in any order. The following course book is required for both courses: "Endstation C2 Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch". It is best to purchase this book before the course begins. After successful completion of both module parts, a final module examination can be taken, which certifies the C2 level.

To book this course.

German C1: Dealing with scientific texts (always in the summer semester)

This course is aimed at international students who wish to improve their reading comprehension skills. In particular, academic texts are dealt with here in order to practise working methods in an academic context. The level of German required for this course is above DSH level.
The course comprises 24 teaching units and concludes with a written examination. An additional 2 credit points can be acquired as part of an additional achievement.

German C1: Lectures and presentations (always in the winter semester)

This course is aimed at international students who wish to improve their oral expression in the context of presentations and train their listening comprehension skills with the help of lectures. The level of German required for this course is above DSH level.
The course comprises 24 teaching units and concludes with a written examination. 2 credit points can be acquired as part of an additional achievement.


The overview of language courses

The wort.ort is the writing workshop of the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Wuppertal. The writing workshop offers students the opportunity to talk about challenges in their own writing projects in an open and relaxed atmosphere. The writing workshop not only provides information and methods for planning, writing and completing a text, but also helps with all other questions related to academic writing.

Workshops are also offered on the topics of comma placement, spelling and punctuation.  These workshops teach you the tools for writing grammatically and formally well-formed texts.

Further information about this course.

This course programme is aimed at international students, visiting academics and staff of the University of Wuppertal who have little or no knowledge of German and would like to learn German at A1 level.
The course is a self-study course on the moodle platform and is offered over a period of 12 weeks during the semester. The online module is accompanied by 12 face-to-face sessions of 60 minutes each, during which students can ask questions about the material they have learned and practise their oral expression.

Further information about this course.

Diese Kurse richten sich an internationale Studierende in den englischsprachigen Studiengängen,  Gastwissenschaftler*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen mit Deutschkenntnissen auf den Niveaus A2 und B1. Die Kurse behandeln alltagssprachliche Themen, an denen Wortschatz und Grammatik trainiert werden. Die Bücher der Reihe Spektrum A2+ und B1+ werden als Kursgrundlage verwendet.The courses deal with everyday language topics on which vocabulary and grammar are trained. The books in the Spektrum A2+ and B1+ series are used as the basis for the courses.

The courses each comprise 100 teaching units and conclude with an examination at the end. No credit points can be earned.

Further information and booking of this course.

A good degree with subsequent integration into the German labour market requires language skills at a high level.  

The pre-vocational language course Deutsch@Work is a blended learning format that combines topics of the vocational context such as "Successful teamwork", "Confident argumentation and negotiation", "Corporate culture" and "Corporate communication" with the consolidation and expansion of already acquired language structures. The use of digital learning modules gives students the opportunity to work on and prepare learning content independent of location and at their own learning pace. Classroom attendance phases ensure direct exchange with teachers and other students.

Further information an booking of this course.